The main focus of this study was to isolate some antibiotic producing actinomycetes strains from soil. The soil sample used was dark brown and sandy, with no vegetation covering (bare). Isolation of soil actinomycetes was done by culture-dependent methods and isolates were tested for antibiotic ...
Isolation and characterization of bioactive actinomycetes from soil in and around Nagpur. International Journal of Pharmaceutical Sciences, 4(4):1428-1433.Wadetwar RN, Patil AT (2013) Isolation and characterization of bioactive actinomycetes from soil in and around Nagpur. Int J Pharm Sci Res 4(4...
About 3000 actinomycetes were isolated from various soil samples collected in 11 regions of Kazakhstan. 62.7 per cent of them proved to be antagonists. For isolation of the strains, selective media supplemented with antibiotics were used. Kanamycin promoted growth of Actinomadura and Nocardia. Rubomyci...
Istianto Y, Koesoemowidodo RSA, Saputra H, Watanabe Y, Pranamuda H, Marwoto B. 2012. Application of phenol pretreatment for the isolation of rare actinomycetes from indonesian soil. Microbiol. (Indonesia), 6(1): 42-47.Istianto Y, Koesoemowidodo RSA, Saputra H, Watanabe Y, Pranamuda...
140 soil samples from the Assiut governorate were examined for pathogenic fungi and actinomycetes. The paraffin-bait technique and a modified sodium citrate-utilizing procedure were used for recovery of Nocardia strains. Five isolations of N. brasiliensis were made by the sodium citrate method while ...
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I split off 51 from four different strains of Actinomycetes in soil samples. According to the colony characteristics, isolation and I filter out 8 typical actinomycete strains from among them, 16S rDNA PCR expansion and increasing it I, and determination of its sequence, and physiological and bioc...
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Humic acid-vitamin agar, a new medium for the selective isolation of soil actinomycetes J. Ferment. Technol. (1987) M. Hayakawa et al. New methods for the highly selective isolation of Streptosporangium and Dactylosporangium from soil J. Ferment. Bioeng. (1991) M. Goodfellow et al. Numeric...