In a clip released Tuesday night, one of the tribespeople appears to be carrying a bow and arrow. Brazil’s agency for indigenous affairs, Funai, said it captured the drone shots during an expedition last year to monitor isolated communities, but only released them now to protect their study...
In 2007, the FUNAI organization (Fundação Nacional do Índio) confirmed that there are 67 isolated tribes in Brazil. That gives the country the highest number of uncontacted tribes, surpassing some of the other areas around the world, including the island of New Guinea. As of 2013, an ...
The worst land grab in decades in the Brazilian Amazon is threatening the survival of isolated tribes that have no contact with the outside world, a rights group said Wednesday. Ranchers and settlers in the remotest reaches of northwestern Brazil are voraciously cutting down rainforest tofarm crop...
Phillips, Dom
Brazil’s indigenous peoples won the legal right to their traditional lands in Brazil’s 1988 Constitution, which stated that all indigenous lands shall be divided and turned over to tribes within five years. Indigenous groups now control 11 percent of Brazil’s territory, including 22 percent of...
Indigenous peoples in the Amazon are using modern technology to defend their land—and their way of life. “We want the world to see us so they can help us.”
Protected forests in Brazil and Peru hold some of the world’s last remote indigenous groups, increasingly threatened by resource-hungry outsiders.
Gene nodC and nifH of the new strains have in general low similarity with other Bradyrhizobium species. Both groups nodulated plants from the tribes Crotalarieae, Dalbergiae, Genisteae, and Phaseoleae. Based on the presented data, two novel species which the names Bradyrhizobium centrolobii and...
This is not an abstract threat. We're told of tribes throughout the Amazon (there are more than 200 in Brazil alone) are being slaughtered and driven off their land by ranchers, loggers and miners engaged in what's been called the "rape of the Amazon." An area twice the size of Col...
2014: Imported B3 genotype measles viruses were isolated from measles cases in the Chinese mainland Bing du Xue Bao 30(5): 535-540 Baruzzi, R.G.; Abdala, N.; Black, F.L. 1982: Measles and measles vaccination in isolated Amerindian tribes. II. the 1978/79 Xingu epidemic Tropical and ...