RS485 8-Way Isolated Hub Converter ● Support mutual conversion between 1-channel master station RS485 and 8-channel slave station RS485● Support baud rate of 300~460800bps. When the transmission distance is 1km, supports baud rate of 300~19200bps● The serial port supports 15kV electrostatic...
UTEK宇泰UT-1128 8-PORT RS-485 ISOLATED HUB 8口RS485集线器 485HUB图片、价格、品牌样样齐全!【京东正品行货,全国配送,心动不如行动,立即购买享受更多优惠哦!】
I-7514U 4-ch Isolated RS-485 Active Hub 产品说明书 I-7514U ReleaseNote (Version 1.2 Nov/2011) --- 1
宇泰其他网络设备ISOLATEDHUBUT-1128使用说明用户手册产品说明书使用说明文档安装使用手册 2 、:DC12-48V 350mA 、: 3、: 4 、: UT-1128 8-PORT RS-485 1 VCC 5、:(PWR)、 ISOLATED HUB (TX)、(RX)、(E1-E8) 2 GND 6、:2500VRMS 500VDC 3 、: .DC/DC 4-5 EARTH UT-1128 、() 7、:300...
Rs 485 Communication|Rs420|Industrial Grade Lightning Protection:Equipped with a 600W lightning surge protection circuit, ensuring reliable performance in harsh environments. High-Speed Data Transfer:Supports a maximum transfer rate of 115.2Kbps, enabling swift data transmission for efficient industrial auto...
สี่ทางแยก,485 HUB,4 พอร์ต,RS485 จำหน่าย 1 จุด 4 ได้แชร์อุปกรณ์,รองรับรีเลย์ RS232USD 20.25-21.09/piece ...
The extreme environment of the International Space Station (ISS) puts selective pressure on microorganisms unintentionally introduced during its 20+ years of service as a low-orbit science platform and human habitat. Such pressure leads to the developmen
Foskett Spring in Oregon’s desert harbors a historically threatened population of Western Speckled Dace (Rhinichthys klamathensis). Though recently delisted, the dace’s recruitment depends upon regular removal of encroaching vegetation. Previous studie
Christian Rückert aSarah Schatschneider dFrank-Jrg Vorhlter aRafael Szczepanowski aLars M. Blank eKarsten Niehaus dAlexander Goesmann cAlfred Pühler bJrn Kalinowski aJournal of BiotechnologyKöhler, K.A.K. , Rückert, C. , Schatschneider, S. , Vorhölter, F.J. , Szczepanowski, R. ,...