state-space methods/ single-ended primary inductance converterisolated inverse-SEPIC control characteristicsstate-space averaging methodsteady state analysisII-SEPIC system dynamic model/ B1210 Power electronics, supply and supervisory circuits C3340H Control of electric power systems...
The five basic yet different converter topologies are; step-up converters: boost converter; buck/boost and its duality, cuk converter; sepic converter and its duality and zeta converter. As mentioned in section-II, these converters are introduced as a planar, ladder-like structures in [36] and...
A new non-isolated modified SEPIC front-end dc-dc converter for the low power system is proposed in this paper, and this converter is the next level of the traditional SEPIC converter with additional devices, such as two diodes and splitting of the output capacitor into two equal parts. The...
K V is the inverse of the voltage gain required of the converter that is the ratio between the minimum input voltage and the nominal input voltage at resonance: K V V i n m i n V i n r e s = 2 V i n m i n α V o u t . φ m i n is the minimum phase angle between...
The SM is designed as a Cuk/Sepic isolated converter, which will be presented in more detail in the next sections. The collected voltages from the series-connected SMs are used to build the DC-link voltage which is then connected to the traction inverter. In the computer simulations in this...
This converter takes advantage of two well-known DC/DC converters, namely, a quadratic boost converter, which has a high step-up capability, and a SEPIC converter which can reduce the input current ripple. A quadratic SEPIC with a switched-coupled inductor, shown in Figure 5d, is proposed ...
This is not the same for the classification adopted in [27], wherein both the Cuk and Sepic converters are shown to have unique converter cells. Small-Signal and Steady-State Circuit Models of Type 2 BBB Similar to the analysis carried out in Small-Signal and Steady State Circuit Models ...
Control−to−output voltage transfer function for a buck converter with an input filter. Figure 17. Audio−susceptibility transfer function for a buck converter with an input filter. Table 6. Buck converter with input filter parameters. 5.3. Sepic Converter 5.3.1. Model Derivation The Se...