C. elegansis a model organism that has been widely used for biomedical research, shedding light on diseases such as Alzheimer [1] and cancer [2]. The genome of this hermaphrodite nematode species was the first one published of a multicellular animal [3] and its assembly and annotation is ar...
Hence, these challenges that impact and potentially limit the effectiveness of TTI need to be incorporated together into one model of COVID-19 control, namely (1) the existence of asymptomatic, yet infectious carriers14,15—which are a challenge for symptom-driven but not for random-testing stra...
We used a generalised linear mixed model (GLMM) to study the impact of different treatments on the length of stain, using the R package glmmTMB [16]. The response variable of this model is stain length with different treatments (P, W and R, but not S) as a fixed effect variable and ...