膝关节肌力测试是采用 肌力测试 包括:膝关节及踝关节两部分,膝关节肌力测试是采用(Isokinetic Testing)膝关节屈 曲0-90度 ;速度为180度/秒; … wenku.baidu.com|基于4个网页 3. 膝关节等速肌力测试 肌力测试方面包括膝关节及踝关节两部分,膝关节等速肌力测试(Isokinetic Testing)是以膝关节屈曲0-90度、速度为18...
16.Study on Isokinetic Testing of Supporting Leg s Muscle Power in Male Long Jumpers;男子跳远运动员起跳腿三关节肌力的等速测试研究 17.Research on Even-pace Testing the Bend & Stretch Muscular Strength in Shoulder, Elbow, and Hip Joints of Man Javelin Athletes;男子标枪运动员肩、肘、髋关节屈伸...
评估的项贝包括:(1)理学检查;(2)X-光变化;(3)等速肌力俱测试(isokinetic test);(4)膝功能障碍评量。75位患者随机分为三组… www.airitilibrary.com|基于 1 个网页 3. 等速测试 等速测试,isokinetic... ... ) isokinetic testing 等速肌力测试 )isokinetic test等速测试) isokinetic testing 等速测试 ......
hipelbowshoulderBackground: Isokinetic testing has been routinely used to assess the capacities of individual muscle groups. In this study we aimed to evaluate the sensitivity of the force-point (F-v) relationship assessed through the two-point method to discriminate between antagonist muscle groups ...
3) isokinetic testing 等速肌力测试 例句>> 4) isokinetics 等动力量测试5) isokinetic test 等速测试 1. Analysis of the isokinetic test results of the knee and ankle joint flexors and extensors of female handball players 女子手球运动员膝、踝关节屈伸肌群等速测试结果分析 2. After one and ...
The Relationship Between Subjective Knee Scores, Isokinetic Testing, and Functional Testing in the ACL-Reconstructed Knee 1 It is important to examine the functional relationships between commonly performed clinical tests and to resolve inconsistencies in previous investigative ......
Isokinetic testing of shoulder strength : Normal values Accurate quantification of muscular strength is critical in the prevention and reduction of shoulder injuries. Since the introduction of the first isokinetic &vice in 1965, the methods of isolated joint testing have essentially remained ... FM Lv...
4, Test and training can be viewed during and after testing and training. The generated data and graphs can be printed as reports to assess human functional capabilities and as a reference to researchers and therapists; 5, Enables a variety of modes that are suitab...
This study aims to investigate the influence of the knee flexion-extension strength ratio, assessed under different isokinetic testing conditions, on lower limb stiffness during jumping. By examining the relationship between strength characteristics and lower limb dynamic parameters, this study seeks to ...
4) isokinetic testing 等速测试 1. The results of isokinetic testing of quadriceps and hamstrings following bone-patellar tendon-bone anterior cruciate ligament reconstruction; 髌韧带替代前交叉韧带重建术后股四头肌及 绳肌等速测试结果 2. Many studies have verified that the isokinetic testing System ...