Background: The suillin isoform iso-suillin is a natural substance isolated from a petroleum ether extract of the fruiting bodies of the mushroomSuillus flavus. Previous studies have found its inhibition effect on some cancer cells, and we aimed to study its effects on human small cell lung ...
Iso-suillin, an isomer of suillin that belongs to the prenylphenol class of fungal derivatives, was isolated from petroleum ether extracts of Suillus flavus. The IC50 value of iso-suillin in K562 cells was 0.87μM, which was lower than the positive control cisplatin (19.33μM). Iso-suilli...
• The IC50 values of Iso-suillin on K562 cells lower than Cisplatin. • Iso-suillin could induce K562 cell apoptosis through the mitochondrial pathway. • Iso-suillin could induce K562 cell apoptosis through the death receptor pathway. • Iso-suillin might serve as a candidate for ant...
Iso-suillin from Suillus flavus Induces Apoptosis in Human Small Cell Lung Cancer H446 Cell Line The suillin isoform iso-suillin is a natural substance isolated from a petroleum ether extract of the fruiting bodies of the mushroomSuillus flavus. Previo......