1. 成本类似 ... 耗用量相似(Iso-resource Use)或成本类似(Iso-cost)之目的。 www.docin.com|基于3个网页 2. 等成本线 21 成本最小的组合点取决於等成本线(iso-cost)BFD 与「等电力服务产量曲线」相切之处。 www.cepd.gov.tw|基于 1 个网页
等成本曲线表示一个固定的总支出所能得到的各种投入品组合。 等产量曲线(iso-product curve) 等产量曲线是在技术水平不变的条件下生产某一产量的生产要素各种组合的轨迹。 低档物品( inferior goods) 商品可以分为正常物品和低档物品。 低档物品是指消费量与消费者的收入水平成反方向变动的物品。即低档物品的消费量...
探索经济迷宫:等成本曲线与等产量曲线的奥秘在经济学的世界里,等成本曲线如同一条精密的导航线,它揭示了在固定支出预算下,如何巧妙地搭配生产要素以实现最大效率。这曲线的精髓在于,它描绘了在不同投入组合下,企业如何维持不变的总成本。等产量曲线:技术稳定的创新之路 等产量曲线则宛如一条动态的...
网络等成本线 网络释义 1. 等成本线 4.等成本线(iso-cost-line):指在一给定的时期,在现行市场价格上,厂商花费同样的总成本所能够购买的两种要素使用量的 … www.crup.com.cn|基于3个网页
facility locationsearch problems/ iso-cost contourfacility location problemcircular forbidden regionnonconvex polygonal forbidden regionsuboptimal level planar locationsloping line searchunconstrained Euclidean distancebi-section methodThe paper presents a methodology to obtain a library of alternate sub-optimal ...
Iso-cost lines represent combinations of inputs that a firm can purchase for a given total cost, illustrating the trade-offs between different inputs in the production process.
What is the Cost of ISO 9001 Certification? The costs associated with ISO 9001 certification depend on several factors and vary depending on the size and complexity of the organization. Ballpark? In general, ISO 9001 Certification preparation costs are in the range of between $3,000 (self-...
When maltodextrin is added to milk powder and other dairy products, it can make the prod uct expand in volume, not easy to agglomerate, dissolve quickly, have good tonality, prolong the shelf life of the product, reduce the cost, improve the economic benefit, improve ...
In order to reduce the construction cost of relay-based B3G/4G cellular network,by analyzing the relationship between the network construction cost and the ratio of base stations and relay nodes,this paper conducted a cost-efficiency model,from which an iso-cost line was derived. 由成本效率模...