String utfString=newString(param.getBytes("iso-8859-1"),"utf-8");
charset=iso-8859-1是西欧的编码,代表说明网站是采用的编码是英文;charset=gb2312代表说明网站是采用的编码是简体中文;charset=utf-8代表世界通用的语言编码;charset=big5代表说明网站是采用的编 GB2312 UTF-8 编码 ISO-8859-2 Eclipse中改变jsp默认编码iso-8859-1 Eclipse中jsp默认页面编码是iso-8859-1,pageEncod...
这样返回得到的str就不会有乱码问题了java中 iso-8859-1 转utf-8汉字显示不全,一般是网络数据传输,比如两个工程之间,或者前台页面传到后台造成的,建议URLEncoder,URLDecoder可有效解决,如果还不行,直接使用base641、在application.properties中的url中加入“useUnicode=true&characterEncoding=utf-8”...
Hi this pull request is encoding change of Polish translation from iso-8859-2 to utf-8. There are no other changes. Motivation: UTF-8 has been the standard encoding and is used in modern Linux installations. In particular, Fedora and Debian use UTF-8 by default. Setting Language: polish ...
There was a mix of UTF-8 and ISO-8859 files in the U-Boot source tree, which could cause issues with the patchwork review system. This commit converts all ISO-8859 files to UTF-8. Signed-off-by: Albert ARIBAUD <>master...
I am using the Google Maps API, it return in utf-8, so for some countries, caracters are wrong, My server is ISO-8859-1 So, how to convert the result from - 2287051
An XML containing 哈瓦那 (UTF-8) is sent to Service A. Service A sends it to Service B. The string was encoded to 哈瓦那 (ISO-8859-1). How do I encode it back to 哈瓦那? Considering that all strings in Java are UTF-16. Service B has to compare it as ...
虽然我不太懂,但我查了下ISO-8859-1,这好像只是西欧语言的字符集,你里面有中文当然失败了,顺便说一下,与ASCII兼容中文编码方式的是EUC-CN 源
Converting existing JSF project's encoding form ISO-8859-1 to UTF-8 I am working at a JSF project which is derived from an older one. Such old project has been developed using ISO-8859-1 for encoding everything. I would like to use UTF-8 in the new project but the problem is that...
java doc上说明:This method must be called prior to reading request parameters or reading input using getReader()。而且,该指定只对POST方法有效,对GET方法无效。分析原因,应该是在执行第一个getParameter()的时候,java将会按照编码分析所有的提交内容,而后续的getParameter()不再进行分析,所以set...