China Manufacture ISO 20ft LPG Tank Container Tank Top Safety 40ft Tank Container QUICK DETAILS Type : 40FT TANK CONTAINER Model: TANK 40' DIMENSION: Overall Length: 6458mm or 12188mm Overall Width: 2, 437mm OVER HEIGHT: 2640mm All the dimensions are...
罐式集装箱又称ISOTANK箱是一种装运散装液体的多式联运装箱。它们是根据各种级别的危品和非危险品货物运输的国际规则来设计制造的。 绝大多数罐式集装箱按照ISO标准设计(同样的尺寸,ISO标准起吊位置),筒体材料为不锈钢。必要时,容器筒体材料亦可由其它材料制作。 1) 标准罐式集装箱 上海奥迁国际货物运输代理...
罐式集装箱ISOTANK(tank container)国际标准罐是一种安装于紧固外部框架内的不锈钢压力集装箱。罐体内胆大多采用316不锈钢制造。多数罐箱有蒸汽或电加热装置,惰性气体保护装置,减压装置及其它流体运输及装卸所需的可选设备。 用于装运酒类、油类、液体食品、化学药品等液体货物的集装箱。主要由液罐和框架构成。液罐为...
罐式集装箱ISOTANK(tank container) 国际标准罐是一种安装于紧固外部框架内的不锈钢压力容器。罐体内胆大多采用316不锈钢制造。多数罐箱有蒸汽或电加热装置,惰性气体保护装置,减压装置及其它流体运输及装卸所需的可选设备。罐体四周有起保护和吊装作用的角部承力框架。罐箱的外部框架尺寸完全等同于国际标准20'集装箱的...
深入了解ISOTANK——罐式集装箱(集装罐tankcontainer)罐式集装箱ISOTANK(tank container)国际标准罐是一种安装于紧固外部框架内的不锈钢压力容器。罐体内胆大多采用316不锈钢制造。多数罐箱有蒸汽或电加热装置,惰性气体保护装置,减压装置及其它流体运输及装卸所需的可选设备。用于装运酒类、油类、液体食品、化学药品...
化工级ISO tank 运输槽车(半导体等級) Container Size: L/mmH/mmW/mmL/Ft.H/Ft.W/Ft.Available capacity X1,000 liters 6058259124382081/2813~14.5,16.8~22 605824382438208810.5~13 29912438243810886.0~7.0 Accessories: 1.Liquid Line valve☐ball valve☐dia. Valve ...
20ft 6 meters lpg iso tank container LPG equipment, which include LPG tanker truck, semi trailer, storage tanker, LPG container or LPG skid station could be used for transport or storing Liquid petroleum gas, propane, propylene, liquid ammonia, dimethyl ether and methanol, butadiene, iso...
罐式集装箱ISOTANK(tank container)国际标准罐是一种安装于紧固外部框架内的不锈钢压力集装箱。罐体内胆大多采用316不锈钢制造。多数罐箱有蒸汽或电加热装置,惰性气体保护装置,减压装置及其它流体运输及装卸所需的可选设备。 简介 用于装运酒类、油类、液体食品、化学药品等液体货物的集装箱。主要由液罐和框架构成。液...
20ft sulfuric acid storage tanker iso tank container for Sale Product description:The tank Belonging to chemical liquid tank containers,suitable for corrosive media, such as sulfuric acid, hydrochloric acid, concentrated sulfuric acid, etc. Specifications: Product name 20 fo...
The 20-foot ISO framework type tank container is applicable to Intermodal transportation. Marine, highway, and railroad transportation. With its overall dimensions conforming to the ISO standards, the tank container has a rating for as high as 9 high stacking loaded. Various components such as ...