doi:10.1097/00134384-200403000-00003Libeer, Jean-ClaudeEhrmeyer, SharonPoint of Care The Journal of Near-Patient Testing & TechnologyLibeer JC, Ehrmeyer S. ISO 15189: A worldwide stan- dard for medical laboratories. Point of Care 2004; 3: 5-7....
英文名称:Medical laboratories — Application of risk management to medical laboratories 标准状态:现行 发布日期:2020-02-25 文档简介 ISO22367:2020标准概述: ISO22367:2020标准是一套用于医疗实验室的风险管理框架,旨在帮助实验室理解和管理可能影响其服务质量和病人安全的各种风险。
INTERNATIONAL STANDARD IS0 151 89 First edition 2003-02-1 5 Corrected version 2003-07-15 Medical laboratories - Particular requirements for quality and competence Laboratoires d'analyses de biologie médicale - Exigences particulières concernant la qualité et la compétence Reference number IS0 15189:...
BS EN ISO 15189:2022Medical laboratories. Requirements for quality and competenceis the latest version of an international standard that exists to promote the welfare of patients through requiring standards of quality and competence in medical laboratories. To fulfil its remit, the standard contains req...
英文名称:Medical laboratories — Requirements for quality and competence 标准状态:现行 发布日期:2022-12-06 文档简介 1.背景和目的: ISO15189是一个国际标准,它为医疗实验室的质量和能力的建立和维持提供了一个框架。这个标准强调了临床质量和患者安全的重要性,要求实验室遵守高标准的操作和质量控制,以确保提供准...
© ISO 2019Medical laboratories — Practical guidance for the estimation of measurement uncertaintyLaboratoires médicaux — Lignes directrices pratiques pour l'estimation de l'incertitude de mesureTECHNAL SPECIFICATIONISO/TS20914Reference numberISO/TS 20914:2019(E)First edition2019-07Accessed by UNSW -...
Medical laboratories – Particular requirements for quality and competence 医学实验室—— 质量和能力的特殊要求 译者: Gonewind 郑重声明: ①本文依据ISO 15189:2003英文版翻译,谨供参考。 ②公务繁忙,未及缜密考较;且限于水平,谬误难免。请以原文为准。 联系方式: 2004.06 前言2 引言3 1范围4 2引用标准4 3...
In the realm of medical laboratories, the establishment of the ISO 15189 quality system is not just a trend but an absolute necessity. As the global medical field continues to expand and become more interconnected, adhering to international standards is crucial for laboratories to thrive. Let's ...
ISO 15189-2022 医学实验室质量和能力的特殊要求.pdf,INTERNATIONAL ISO STANDARD 15189 Fourth edition 2022-12 Medicallaboratories-Requirements forqualityand competence Laboratoiresdebiologiemedicale—Exigencesconcernantlaqualite etlacompetence Reference numb
For it is surely preferable that a laboratory seeking accreditation select an accrediting body which operates to appropriate international standards and which takes into account the particular requirements of medical laboratories. During the preparation of this International Standard, ISO 9001 and ISO/IEC ...