water and oil (in both aerosol and vapor form) are recognized. Each is categorized and assigned a quality class ranging from class 0, the most stringent, to Class 9, the most relaxed. The end user-user is responsible for defining the air quality required for their...
英文名:Household and similar electrical air cleaning appliances - Methods for measuring the performance - Part 3-1: Method for assessing the reduction rate of key bioaerosols by portable air cleaners using an aerobiology test chamber IEC 61156-13-2023 中文版翻译 实施日期:2023-05-30 英文名:Mult...
Revision Of Iso 6879:1983 Air Quality - Performance Characteristics And Related Concepts For Air Quality Measuring MethodsBritish Standards Institution
132 ISO 15259-2023 2023-05-01 English Air quality — Measurement of stationary source emissions — Requirements for measurement sections and sites and for the measurement objective, plan and report - First Edition 133 ISO 20658-2023 2023-05-01 English Requirements for the collection and transport ...
437 ISO 11200 DAM 1-2017 2017-01-20 English Acoustics - Noise emitted by machinery and equipment - Guidelines for the use of basic standards for the determination of emission sound pressure levels at a work station and at other specified positions AMENDMENT 1 438 ISO ISO/IEC 29115 DAM 1-201...
437 ISO 11200 DAM 1-2017 2017-01-20 English Acoustics - Noise emitted by machinery and equipment - Guidelines for the use of basic standards for the determination of emission sound pressure levels at a work station and at other specified positions AMENDMENT 1 438 ISO ISO/IEC 29115 DAM 1-201...
of recognized quality standards, such as ISO 9002 of the International Organization for Standardization ISO 9000 Series. ul.com 欧洲雇主组织,例如德国的公司,反对只使用一种由日內瓦的国际标准化组织订 定的社会责任国际准则,称为 ISO 2600 0,因为他们不愿意或者无法确信在整体的生 产和供应链当时可以完全...
·Mach C. PAT, tougher standards push improvedmicrobialairmonitoring. CleanRooms, Oct 2006 ·May F.K. (1945). The Cascade impactor : an instrumentforsamplingcoarse aerosols. Journal of Scientificinstruments,22,187-195 ·Thibaudon. Du Pollen dans vos cellules. Salles Propresn°55,May2008 ...
英文名:Comparison of worldwide escalator and moving walk safety standards — Part 2: Abbreviated comparison and comments ISO 4669-1-2023 中文版翻译 实施日期:2023-05-10 英文名:Document management — Information classification, marking and handling — Part 1: Requirements ...
In addition to improving operator health, the new standard will provide a single, global standard for OEMs to follow. This will eliminate the burden of designing a machine cab to meet different standards in different parts of the...