Productivityeditors:IBM Lotus Symphonysupportsthe OASISOpenDocumentFormat(ODF),anISOstandard. 生产力编辑器:IBMLotusSymphony支持OASIS开放文档格式(ODF)。ODF是一种ISO标准。 8. ThisISOstandardonanydata processingyou want towinthebusinessenterpriseisapowerfultool. ...
manager /supervisor related to the document.质量管理代表managementrepresentative四 级4thlevel质量记录 quality record表格 form各职能部门respectivefunction deptn/a使用部门经理/主管usin 17、g dept manager/supervisor 5.2 文件格式:the standard format of document:5.2.1 程序文件和控制规范封面格式见qf-qa-026,...
Reference numberISO 32000-1:2008(E)© ISO 2008 INTERNATIONAL STANDARD ISO32000-1First edition2008-07-01Document management — Portable document format — Part 1: PDF 1.7 Gestion de documents — Format de document portable — Partie 1: PDF 1.7 Copyright International Organization for Standardization...
This group will be led by Murata Makoto, and will try to quickly set up an infrastructure for collecting feedback on the Open XML standard. There has been a lot of progress made over the past year, and since there are still open issues that have not been f...
Supports nearly all known CD/DVD image file formats (.ISO, .BIN, .IMG, .CIF, .NRG, .MDS, .CCD, .BWI, .ISZ, .DMG, .DAA, .UIF, .HFS and so on) , and can convert them to the industry standard and widely supported ISO image format. May directly set the file/folder to hidden...
本文档规定了可移植文档格式 (PDF) 2.0 的使用,除了允许将任何类型的其他内容作为嵌入文件或附件包含在内之外,还及时进行了正式化。 本文件不适用于: ——将纸质或电子文档转换为 PDF/A 格式的特定过程; ——渲染的具体技术设计、用户界面、实现或操作细节; ——存储这
英文名:Geotechnical investigation and testing — Field testing — Part 5: Prebored pressuremeter test ISO 3977-2-2023 中文版翻译 实施日期:2023-03-24 英文名:Gas turbines — Procurement — Part 2: Standard reference conditions and ratings
DS/ISO 19005-3:2012文档管理 用于长期保存的电子文档文件格式 第3部分:使用支持嵌入式文件的 ISO 32000-1(PDF/A-3) Document management - Electronic document file format for long-term preservation - Part 3: Use of ISO 32000-1 with support for embedded files (PDF/A-3)...
dd-MON-yy format, as well as a number [...] 日期和时间输入值一般格式是ISO8601 SQL兼容格式,Oracle缺省的dd-MON-yy格式,以及其他的一些对年月日有明确的区分的格式。 STEP: 3D model file formatted in STEP (Standard for the Exchange...
Draft Document - Standard file format for spectral data exchange (ISO 22029:2012)doi:DIN ISO 22029-DRAFT