软件架构阶段的开始 软件架构设计是软件生命周期的第二个阶段,前面的阶段是软件需求阶段(software requirements specification),在软件需求设计时,把整个软件当成一个黑盒处理,来确定该软件的所有功能、性能,与硬件的接口定义,与外部其它系统的接口定义,而在软件架构阶段,需要设计一种架构来满足软件需求,通过层次化结构的...
RTM Rquirements Traceability Matrix需求追溯矩阵 SRS Software Requirements Specification 软件需求规范 StRS Stakeholder Requirments Specification利益相关方需求规范 SyRS System Requriements Specification系统需求规范 TBD To Be Determined待决定 TBR To be Resolved, To be Revised待解决,待修订 TBS To be Supplied...
6、Quality Assurance Plan) SQA 软件需求规格说明 (Software Requirements Specification) SRS 工作说明 (Statement of Work) SOW 子系统测试计划 (Sub-System Test Plan) SSTP 子系统测试报告 (Sub-System Test Report) SSTR 子系统测试脚本 (Sub-System Test Script) SSTS 软件维护计划 (Sustaining Plan) SP 系...
软件需求规格说明(SoftwareRequirementsSpecification)SRS 工作说明(StatementofWork)SOW 子系统测试计划(Sub-SystemTestPlan)SSTP 子系统测试报告(Sub-SystemTestReport)SSTR 子系统测试脚本(Sub-SystemTestScript)SSTS 软件维护计划(SustainingPlan)SP 系统操作描述(SystemOperationsDescription)SOD ...
Software engineering — Guidelines for the application of ISO 9001:2015 to computer softwaredoi:ISO/IEC/IEEE 90003:2018本文件为各组织在采购,供应,开发,操作... - ISO/IEC JTC 1/SC 7 被引量: 0发表: 2018年 Software Requirement Specification Sistem Informasi Manajemen Rumah Makan Berdasarkan ISO/IE...
— specification of the software safety requirements; — software architectural design; — software unit design and implementation; — software unit verification; — software integration and verification; and — testing of the embedded software.
CommitteeIT-015,SoftwareandSystemsEngineering. TheobjectiveofthisTechnicalSpecificationistodefinequalitymeasuresusefulfortherequirements andevaluationofITservicequalityintermsofcharacteristicsandsub-characteristicsdefinedinSATS ISO/IEC25011. Thisdocumentcontainsabasicsetofqualitymeasuresforeachcharacteristicandsub-characterist...
Software Requirements Specification has been approved and baselined. 软件需求规范已经批准并打基线。 ? Software Requirements Specification Verification Review Report has been approved. 软件需求规范验证评审报告已经批准。 ? Address all issues reported during verification 列举出验证中所有的问题报告。 Verification...
ISO26262标准软件架构设计简介 11 ISO26262 Basic Training Day 1 SW Lifecycle in ISO26262 Item testing 4-8 Item integration 4-7 System design and testing Design phase verification Part 4 System Part 6 Software 6-11 Verification of 6-6 Specification of Software testing software safety software ...
2. 安全要求规范(Safety Requirements Specification):定义系统的安全性要求和功能需求,包括特定的安全指标、安全特性和安全要求。 3. 风险分析和评估报告(Risk Analysis and Assessment Report):对系统进行风险分析,识别潜在风险和安全问题,并进行风险评估和分类。