ISO general purpose metric screw threads — Basic dimensions 首页 标准 ISO 724:2023 标准全文 点击打开全屏PDF预览 点击查看大图 标准号 ISO 724:2023 2023年 总页数 18页 发布单位 国际标准化组织 当前最新 ISO 724:2023 引用标准 ISO 5408 购买 正式版 ...
需要金币:*** 金币(10金币=人民币1元) DIN_7500-1-01_07_2021-en-ISO公制螺纹成型螺钉第1部分:渗碳和回火螺钉技术规范.pdf 关闭预览 想预览更多内容,点击免费在线预览全文 免费在线预览全文 渗碳自挤螺钉技术规范 July 2021 DIN 7500-1 D ICS 21.060.10 Supersedes DIN 7500-1:2009-06 Thread forming sc...
(支撑环) thimbles 169 DIN6900机器螺钉和垫圈组合件 GB9074.1-.17 170 DIN6901自攻螺钉和垫圈组合件 GB9074.18-.23 171DIN6912薄型带孔内六角圆柱头螺钉 hexagonsocketheadcapscrewswith hole,low head 172 DIN6914大六角头螺栓 grip bolts) 173 DIN6915大六角螺母 flat(friction grip nuts) 174 DIN6916大垫圈 ...
ISO 965-2:1998, ISO general purpose metric screw threads Tolerances Part 2: Limits of sizes for general purpose external and internal screw threads 12、Medium quality. ISO 3269:1), Fasteners Acceptance inspection. ISO 3506-1:1997, Mechanical properties of corrosion-resistant stainless steel ...
ISO 7434-2024 Fasteners — Slotted set screws with cone point 紧固件. 带锥尖的开槽紧定螺钉.pdf,…~啤自- International ·‘主气 II ...匾”阳~ Standard IS。 7434 Fasteners 一Slotted set screws with Second edition cone point 2024-06 Fixations - Vissans tet
ISO general purpose metric screw threads Tolerances Part 2: Limits of sizes for general purpose external and internal screw threads Medium quality ISO 965-2,ISO 一般用途米制螺纹-公差-第 2 部分:一般用途内螺纹和外螺纹的极限尺寸- 中等质量 ISO 965-3, ISO general purpose metric screw threads Toleran...
Standard list: ISO 7048DIN 7985DIN 7985DIN 967DIN 967 Core Product: Electronic screws Communications industry fastener Home Appliances fastener Furniture fastener Stamped non-standard Business Type: Manufacturer Contact Now Recommended Product
Screw Nut Washer Sheet Metal Parts Wrench More Find Similar Products By Category Supplier Homepage Products Bolt Carriage Bolt Cup Square Bolt & Hex Nuts HDG ISO 8677 Saucer-Head Bolt DIN 603 Round Head Carriage Bolt Related Categories ...
(shafting collars) GB816-8884 DIN741 卡头 wire rope clips 85 DIN787 T型槽螺钉 T-slot screws ISO299 86 DIN835 双头螺柱(牙长=2D) studs-metal (end=2d) GB900-8887 DIN906 内六角锥型闭锁螺钉 hexagon socket pipe plugs,conical thread 88 DIN908 内六角直型闭锁螺钉 hexagon socket screw plugs,...
As a minimum, screw description shall include size, length, ro 41、ot diameter, thread diameter and thread pitch; i) the pilot hole diameter used for face and edge screws; j) the specific apparatus used, in the case of different possibilities allowed in this International Standard; k) the ...