1. Quality Policy and Objectives: Organizations must establish clear quality policies and objectives that align with customer and regulatory requirements to ensure the consistent quality of their products or services.2. Quality Management System (QMS): A comprehensive QMS must be developed, ...
质量政策(Quality Policy): 组织制定并传达一份明确的质量政策,表明对质量的承诺和目标。 质量目标(Quality Objectives): 组织设定可衡量和可追踪的质量目标,以实现质量政策中所规定的要求。 流程管理(Process Management): 组织建立和控制有效的流程,以实现产品或服务的质量要求。
This manual sets out the company's quality policy and quality objectives, description of the company's established quality system, all staff is a programmatic document that must be followed and the quality of the basic laws and regulations. The manual is passed by *** Co., Ltd. Management...
Qualitymanual Content Introduction4 1Scope4 1.1General4 1.2Exclusions4 2References4 3Termsanddefinitions4 4Qualitymanagementsystem5 4.1General5 4.2Documentationrequirements6 5Managementresponsibility7 5.3Qualitypolicyandobjectives7 5.4Responsibility,authorityandcommunication9 ...
The design and implementation of an organization's quality management system is influenced by a) its organizational environment, changes in that environment, and the risks associated with that environment, b) its varying needs, c) its particular objectives, d) the products it provides, e) the ...
ISO9000英文版质量管理体系要求 Qualitymanagementsystem-Requirement 1Scope 1.1GeneralThisInternationalStandardspecifiesrequirementsforaqualitymanagementsystemwhereanorganization A)needstodemonstrateitsabilitytoconsistentlyprovideproductthatmeetscustomerandapplicableregulatoryrequirements,and B)aimstoenhancecustomersatisfaction...
The manual describesthe quality policy, objectives and quality management system, as the primary document of quality activities and behavior criteria of the organization, as well as the guidelines to demonstrate that the quality activities can meet the customer expectations and related legal requirements...
4.2 It is the responsibility of the Director of Quality, who is the designated Management Representative, to ensure that the principles of this manual, the Quality Policy, quality objectives, customer requirements, applicable regulatory requirements, and quality management system requirements are promoted...
25、tablishing the quality policy,Ensuring that quality objectives are established,Quality management system - Requirementd) Conducting management reviews,ande) Ensuring the availability of resources.5.2 Customer focus Top management shall ensure that customer requirements are determined and are met wit 26...
c) addressing risks and opportunities associated with its context and objectives; d) the ability to demonstrate conformity to specified quality management system requirements. This International Standard can be used by internal and external parties. It is not the intent of this International Standard to...