meaning "equal," which is the root for the prefix iso- that occurs in a host of terms, such as isometric (of equal measure or dimensions) and isonomy (equality of laws, or of people before the law). The name ISO is used around the world to denote the organization, thus avoiding...
meaning "equal," which is the root for the prefix iso- that occurs in a host of terms, such as isometric (of equal measure or dimensions) and isonomy (equality of laws, or of people before the law). The name ISO is used around the world to...
According to ISO, ISO is not an abbreviation. It is a word, derived from the Greek isos, meaning "equal," which is the root for the prefix iso- that occurs in a host of terms, such as isometric (of equal measure or dimensions) and isonomy (equality of laws, or of people before t...
"Iso" is the Greek prefix meaning equal; therefore, "iso" terms are usually applied to some sort of contoured map or diagram showing equal distributions. Stamp (1961) compiled a listing of the many "iso" terms in use, and the following lists those used in climatic studies...
摘要: "Iso" is the Greek prefix meaning equal; therefore, "iso" terms are usually applied to some sort of contoured map or diagram showing equal distributions. Stamp (1961) compiled a listing of the many "iso" terms in use, and the following lists those used in climatic studies...
What does the prefix mal- mean? What does the prefix ex- mean? What does the prefix ante mean? What is the meaning of the prefix "para"? What is the meaning of the prefix sym? What does the prefix 'inter' mean? What does the prefix com- mean?
Symbol符号Meaning含义 Ssyndiotactic 间同立构的,间规的 Sthermosetting 热固性的 STsyndiotactic 间规的 Ttemperature(resistance) (耐)高温的 Ttoughened 增韧的 Uultra 超 Uunplasticized 未增塑的 Uunsaturated 不饱和的 Vvery 极 Wweight 重量 Xcrosslinked;crosslinkable ...
"Iso-" is a prefix meaning equal or same, and "late" refers to a state or condition. When combined, "isolate" can imply the state ofbeing equal or homogeneous. In chemistry or biology, "isolate" is often used to describe the process of separating or purifying a compound or organism fro...
According to ISO,ISOis not an abbreviation. It is a word, derived from the Greekisos, meaning "equal," which is the root for the prefixiso-that occurs in a host of terms, such asisometric(of equal measure or dimensions) andisonomy(equality of laws, or of people before the law). The...
"UNCOPYRIGHTABLE [is] the longest isogram inMerriam-Webster's Collegiate Dictionary, Tenth Edition, the source used in Scrabble forlong words. Borgmann, who searched the dictionary manually in his quest to manipulate the language, coined UNCOPYRIGHTABLE by placing the prefix UN- before the dictionary...