Computational Biology and ChemistryLi,W., Bernaola-Galva´ n,P., Carpena,P. and Oliver,J.L. (2003) Isochores merit the prefix `iso'. Comput. Biol. Chem., 27, 5-10.Li, W., P. Bernaola-Galvan, P. Carpena and J. L. Oliver, 2003 Isochores merit the prefix 'iso'. Comput Biol...
4.6TherulesoftheInternationalUnionofPureandAppliedChemistry(IUPAC)forsource-basednamesof polymersrecommendtheuseofparentheseswhentheprefix“poly”isusedwithamonomername consistingoftwoormorewords.ThispracticeisfollowedinthispartofISO1043,butincommonusage
The prefixcis- means “same side” andtrans- means “opposite side”; they are used when the groups on either side of the double bond are identical or closely related, e.g., methyl and ethyl.Syn- andanti- have similar meanings but are used when the groups are not identical or closely...
prefix=" [" suffix="]"/> </if> </choose> </macro> <macro name="number"> <text variable="number"/> </macro> <macro name="medium"> <text variable="medium" prefix=" [" suffix="]"/> </macro> <macro name="genre"> <choose> <if type="map"> <choose> <if variable="genre">...
"Iso-" is a prefix meaning equal or same, and "late" refers to a state or condition. When combined, "isolate" can imply the state ofbeing equal or homogeneous. In chemistry or biology, "isolate" is often used to describe the process of separating or purifying a compound or organism fro...
--model-path STR Path to a chemistry model file or directory containing model files. --model-spec STR Name of chemistry or model to use, overriding default selection. Processing Options: --by-strand Generate a consensus for each strand. ...
The term sec in organic chemistry refers to the attachment at a secondary carbon. This means we use this prefix when there is a functional group attached with a secondary carbon atom in a molecule. Sometimes we use “s” in the place of “sec”. However, both of these mean the same. ...
prefix=" [" suffix="]"/> </if> </choose> </macro> <macro name="number"> <text variable="number"/> </macro> <macro name="medium"> <text variable="medium" prefix=" [" suffix="]"/> </macro> <macro name="version"> <text variable="version"/> </macro> <macro name="genre"...
prefix=" [" suffix="]"/> </if> </choose> </macro> <macro name="number"> <text variable="number"/> </macro> <macro name="medium"> <text variable="medium"/> </macro> <macro name="genre"> <choose> <if type="map"> <choose> <if variable="genre"> <text variable="genre" ...
As used herein, “alkylenyl” or “alkylene” used alone or as a suffix or prefix, is intended to include straight chain saturated aliphatic hydrocarbon groups having from 1 to 12 carbon atoms or if a specified number of carbon atoms is provided then that specific number is intended. For ex...