Note that in this case,ISOdoesn’t count as an acronym, since the acronym for this organization would actually beIOS. Because the organization couldn’t find an acronym that felt ideal for all the languages it used, they drew inspiration from the Greek wordisos, meaningequal, instead. TheISO...
This is the most common myth related to ISO. It is something you will see all over the web (and in print). However, although it may help you to think of ISO as “acting like” camera sensor sensitivity, that’s not what it actually does. Instead, digital sensors only have a single ...
According to the ISO, the phrase "ISO certification" should never be used to indicate that a product or system has been certified by a certification body as conforming to an ISO standard. Instead, ISO suggests referring to certified products or systems using the full identification of the ISO ...
Anytradenameusedinthisdocumentisinformationgivenfortheconvenienceofusersanddoesnot constituteanendorsement. 本文档中使用的任何商品名都是为了方便用户而提供的信息,并不构成完全认可。 Foranexplanationofthevoluntarynatureofstandards,themeaningofISOspecifictermsand expressionsrelatedtoconformityassessment,aswellasinformation...
The ISO 9000 series emphasizes prevention of problems and meeting customers' needs. ISO 9000 standards apply to all companies large or small, whether in services or manufacturing. Before discussing quality standards, it is important to discuss the meaning of quality. Quality refers to the combined ...
8.3.2 确定策略和解决方案Identification of strategies and solutions 总则General 大多数策略都需要一个或多个解决方案,但是对于某些组织活动,不采取措施或推迟重续可能是可接受的策略。 Most strategies require one or more solutions but, for some of the organization's activities, doing nothing or de...
The case of AISO underscores the paramount importance of context when encountering unfamiliar acronyms or abbreviations. Simply searching "AISO meaning" online won't necessarily yield a definitive answer. Instead, one must carefully analyze the surrounding text, the source of the information (e.g., ...
Foranexplanationofthevoluntarynatureofstandards,themeaningofISOspecifictermsandexpressionsrelatedtoconformityassessment,aswellasinformationaboutISOsadherencetotheWorldTradeOrganization(WTO)principlesinIheTechnicaIBarrierstoTrade(TBT)seewwwJso-org/iso/fbreword.html. ThisdocumentwaspreparedbyTechnicalCommitteeISO/TC164,Mec...
Even though the workshops have been performed, or an explanation was given during the interview to the responsible person, they will always tend to give much larger importance (meaning higher risks) to their own department – in such cases, the coordinator must question such assessment and ask ...
Options can be used to augment salaries or as a reward instead of a traditional salary raise. Stock options, like other benefits, can be used to attract talent, especially if the company cannot afford to pay competitive base salaries. How Incentive Stock Options (ISOs) Work Stock options are ...