ISO 公差对照表 ISO Tolerance Designation <=3>3-6>6-10>10-18>18-30 >30-50>50-80>80-120>120-180d9-65-90-116-143-182-222 -274-327-390d11-100-135-170-210-260-320-390-460-540e8-42-58-72-91-113-139-166-198-233e9-53-70-86-107-132-162-194-231-270f8-26-38-48-59-73-...
ISO 公差对照表 ISO Tolerance Designation <=3>3-6>6-10>10-18>18-30 >30-50>50-80>80-120>120-180d9-65-90-116-143-182-222 -274-327-390d11-100-135-170-210-260-320-390-460-540e8-42-58-72-91-113-139-166-198-233e9-53-70-86-107-132-162-194-231-270f8-26-38-48-59-73-...
iso配合app是一款主打iso调配工具的软件。可以很好的根据你的需求来进行相关功能的设置等等,便捷的体验给你带来更好的帮助,相信你已经迫不及待了,你还在等什么呢,赶快来下载试试吧! iso配合手机版介绍 在输入(孔或轴)公称直径后,使用者会选择孔和轴的公差级别。App会提供所有相关值的完整ISO安装定义。 iso配合工...
Aerospace Series Screws, Pan Head, Six Lobe Recess, Coarse Tolerance Normal Shank, Medium Length Thread, in Titanium Alloy, Anodized 27 [德标] DIN EN ISO 14579 - 2011 梅花槽圆柱头螺钉 Hexalobular Socket Head Cap Screws 28 [德标] DIN EN ISO 14580 - 2002 梅花槽矮圆柱头螺钉 Hexalobular...
H7/h6 Locational clearance fit provides snug fit for locating stationary parts; but can be freely assembled and disassembled. H7/k6 K7/h6 Transition Fit Locational transition fit for accurate location, a compromise between clearance and interferance. H7/n6 N7/h6 Locational transition fit ...
h6 0 -6 0 -8 0 -9 0 -11 0 -13 0 -16 0 -19 0 -22 0 -25 h7 0 -10 0 -12 0 -15 0 -18 0 -21 0 -25 0 -30 0 -35 0 -40 h8 0 -14 0 -18 0 -22 0 -27 0 -33 0 -39 0 -46 0 -54 0 -63 h9 0 -25 0 -30 0 -36 0 -43 0 -52 0 -62 0 -74 0 ...
(Non-lube) Operating piston speed 50 to 1000 mm/s 50 to 700 mm/s Allowable stroke tolerance Up to 250 st: +10.0, 251 to 1000 st: +10.4, 1001 to 1500 st: +10.8, 1501 to 2000 st: +2.2 0 Cushion Both ends (Air cushion) Port size G 1/8 G 1/4 G 1/4 G 3/8 G 3/8 G...
选择规格尺寸点击↓ M2 M2.5 M3 M4 M5 M6 M8 M10 M12 (M14) M16 (M18) M20 括号内尺寸为非优选 尺寸单位:mm 扫一扫分享 公差公制螺纹极限尺寸米/英制螺纹对照螺纹直径与受力截面积最小破坏扭矩牌号等级毛坯直径 单位换算纠错 千件重及价格计算选择规格M2M2.5M3M4M5M6M8M10M12(M14)M16(M18)M20千件重:kgx元...
公差带代号toleranceclass 基本偏差和标准公差等级的组合。 注:在线性尺寸公差ISO代号体系中,公差带代号由基本偏差标示符与公差等级组成(如D13,h9等),见4.2.1。 3.3配合相关术语 本条中的概念仅与公称尺寸要素(理想形状)有关。公称尺寸要素的模型定义见GB/T24637.1— 2020中3.2.1和3.3.1.5。 对于配合的确定,见...
It includes the following features: - Fits calculation: Upon entering the nominal diameter (of either bore or shaft), users select their tolerance classes for…