Countries and Regions国家或地区International domain abbreviationPhone codeJet lag Angola安哥拉AO244-7 Afghanistan阿富汗AF930 Albania阿尔巴尼亚AL355-7 Algeria阿尔及利亚DZ213-8 Andorra安道尔 Total 和国AD376-8 Anguilla安圭拉岛AI1264-12 Antigua and Barbuda安提瓜和巴布达AG1268-12 ...
excel文件: ISO二字代码 ISO三字代码 ISO数字代码 国家/地区 国家/地区(简称) 国家/地区(英文) AD AND20安道尔 安道尔 Andorra AE ARE784阿拉伯联合酋长国 阿拉伯联合酋长国 United Arab Emirates AF AFG4阿富汗 阿富汗 Afghanistan AG ATG28安提瓜和巴...
The following table provides the International Organization for Standardization (ISO) two-character country codes. You can use one of these codes in the ISO country code field on the Company Profile window Identity tab. See Company Profile Identity Tab....
此一國際標準提供了3種不同形式的代碼:2位字母代碼(ISO Alpha-2 Country Code);3位字母代碼(ISO Alpha-3 Country Code);3位數字代碼(ISO Numeric-3 Country Code,000-899)。一般英文的兩碼常見於國家網域名稱【例如.hk】,英文的三碼是為了比二碼更詳細描述國家而制定,三位數字碼則是為了方便不用拉丁字母...
Note: Each country's alpha-2 code is linked to more information about the assignment of its code elements. Alpha-2 code AF AX AL DZ AS AD AO AI AQ AG AR AM AW AU AT AZ BS BH BD BB BY BE BZ BJ BM BT BO BQ BA BW BV BR IO BN BG BF BI CV KH CM CA KY CF TD CL CN...
Country ISO code KH. static final CountryIsoCode CAMEROON Country ISO code CM. static final CountryIsoCode CANADA Country ISO code CA. static final CountryIsoCode CAPE_VERDE Country ISO code CV. static final CountryIsoCode CAYMAN_ISLANDS Country ISO code KY. static final C...
Country ISO code KH. static final CountryIsoCode CAMEROON Country ISO code CM. static final CountryIsoCode CANADA Country ISO code CA. static final CountryIsoCode CAPE_VERDE Country ISO code CV. static final CountryIsoCode CAYMAN_ISLANDS Country ISO code KY. static final CountryIsoCo...
ISO English country names (short name Alpha-2 code Alpha-3 code Numeric code and lower case) Afghanistan AF AFG4 land Islands AX ALA248 Albania AL ALB8 Algeria DZ DZA12 American Samoa AS ASM16 Andorra AD AND20 Angola AO AGO24 Anguilla AI AIA660 Antarctica AQ ATA10 Antigua and AG ATG28...
The following ISO and country codes are available for a property's country mode configuration:ISO_CODE ISO_NAME COUNTRY_CODE COUNTRY_NAME AD Andorra AD Andorra AE United Arab Emirates AE United Arab Emirates AF Afghanistan AF Afghanistan AG Antigua and Barbuda AG Antigua and Barbuda ...
public static final CountryIsoCode CAMBODIA= fromString("KH") CAMEROON public static final CountryIsoCode CAMEROON= fromString("CM") CANADA public static final CountryIsoCode CANADA= fromString("CA") CAPE_VERDE public static final CountryIsoCode CAPE_VERDE= fromString("CV") CAYMAN...