ISO is one of the most misunderstood concepts in digital photography. If you think ISO is an abbreviation for “International Standards Organization” or that it is part of theexposure triangle, then you definitely need to read this article from beginning to end!
The word ISO comes from the abbreviation used by the International Organization for Standardization. The founders chose the term to abbreviate its name (rather than an acronym like IOS) inspired by the Greek word “isos,” meaning “equal.” The organization sets and maintains various industrial a...
Some people also refer to sensitivity with the abbreviationEI(exposure index). EI isessentially the sameas ISO, but it incorporates other factors that relate to the exposure triangle. For instance, if you’re shooting at 100 ISO but using a .03 ND filter, your EI is now equal to 50 ISO...
The modern world is full of new abbreviations. If you’ve seen the abbreviationISOonline, at work, or in text conversations, you might have wondered what it means. So, what exactly doesISOmean? The short answer is that it can stand for several different things, depending on the context in...
[Greekisosequal; often wrongly thought to be an abbreviation forInternational Standards Organization] Collins English Dictionary – Complete and Unabridged, 12th Edition 2014 © HarperCollins Publishers 1991, 1994, 1998, 2000, 2003, 2006, 2007, 2009, 2011, 2014 ...
NOTE: "ISO" is not officially an abbreviation of the organization's full name in any language. Instead, the short form is derived from the Greek "isos," meaning "equal," to maintain the same short form no matter the language used. File extensions: .ISO Updated November 20, 2023 by Bria...
ORWO is an abbreviation for "Original Wolfen" as it was manufactured in the pre war Agfa plant of Filmfabrik Wolfen, in the East-German town of Wolfen. In addition to film for still photography, Wolfen made cine film and film and plates for radiography. After the war the plant was in ...
Lasers in medical science Volume: 24 ISSN: 1435-604X ISO Abbreviation: Lasers Med Sci Publication Date: 2009 JulHowever, if the exposure time T of the camera is chosen to be smaller than ? 3.. Ulyanov SS(1998) Speckled speckle statistics with a small number of scatterers: implication for...
BS ISO 832-1995 文献.文献后参考书目.典型用词的缩写.两种语言版 (Information and documentation - Bibliographic description and references - Rules for the abbreviation of bibliographic terms) BS ISO 8323-1995 货运集装箱.空运/地面运输气、液集装箱(交互型)规范和试验 Freight containers - Air/surface ...
Iso is not an acronym as suggested by the theory mentioned above. Instead, the International Organization for Standardization simply took the Greek word “isos” and shortened it to ISO, meaning the term is actually an abbreviation. Since the organization could not find an ideal acronym (a diffe...