内容提示: © ISO 2012Optics and photonics — Optical coatings —Part 4: Specific test methodsOptique et photonique — Traitements optiques —Partie 4: Méthodes d’essai spécifiquesINTERNATIONAL STANDARDISO9211-4Third edition2012-08-15Reference numberISO 9211-4:2012(E)Copyright International ...
DINISO9211-4-2008 下载积分: 3480 内容提示: June 2008 DEUTSCHE NORM English price group 11No part of this standard may be reproduced without prior permission ofDIN Deutsches Institut für Normung e. V., Berlin. Beuth Verlag GmbH, 10772 Berlin, Germany,has the exclusive right of sale for ...
BSI Standards PublicationBS ISO 9211-4:2012Optics and photonics — OpticalcoatingsPart 4: Specific test methods
页数:20 标准状态:作废 点击数:1169 废止日期:2022/3/22 适用范围:ISO 9211 describes surface treatments of components and substrates, excluding ophthalmic optics (spectacles), by the application of optical coatings and gives a standard form for their specification. It defines the general characteristics...
© ISO 2012Optics and photonics — Optical coatings —Part 4: Specific test methodsOptique et photonique — Traitements optiques —Partie 4: Méthodes d’essai spécifiquesINTERNATIONAL STANDARDISO9211-4Third edition2012-08-15Reference numberISO 9211-4:2012(E)Copyright International Organization for...
《ISO-9211-4-2006.pdf》由会员分享,可在线阅读,更多相关《ISO-9211-4-2006.pdf(18页珍藏版)》请在人人文库网上搜索。 reference number iso 9211-4:2006(e) iso 2006 international standard iso 9211-4 second edition 2006-05-01 optics and optical instruments optical coatings part 4: specific test ...
具体来说,ISO9211-4:1996标准包含以下特定测试方法: 1.涂层厚度测量:使用光学显微镜、干涉显微镜或光谱分析仪等工具,测量涂层的厚度。这有助于确定涂层的均匀性和质量。 2.反射测量:使用光谱仪或反射计,测量光学元件涂层表面的反射率。这可以帮助确定涂层的反射性能,如反射颜色的改变或镜面反射的程度。 3.透射测量:...
NOTESeealsoISO9211-4cross-hatchtestforopticalcoatingsandISO2409forvarnishes. 注:光学涂层参见ISO9211-4十字槽试验,清漆参见ISO2409。 PAGE:9©ISO2017–Allrightsreserved ISO2819:2017(E)中英文版 4.9Bendingtest 4.9弯曲试验 Thebendtestconsistsinbendingorflexingthecoatedproducts.Theextentandnatureofthedistortion...
ISO 9211-7-2021【中文版翻译PDF原版】 中文名称:光学和光子学--光学涂层--第7部分:中性分束器涂层的最低要求 英文名称:Optics and photonics — Optical coatings — Part 7: Minimum requirements for neutral beam splitter coatings 发布日期 :2021-09-01 ...
337 ISO 9211-4-2022 2022-03-01 English Optics and photonics — Optical coatings — Part 4: Specific test methods: abrasion, adhesion and resistance to water - Fourth edition 338 ISO TS 20342-10-2022 2022-03-01 English Assistive products for tissue integrity when lying down — Part 10: Gui...