ISO9001质量手册中英文版.pdf,文件编号: QM- 01 质量手册 Document No. : QM- 01 版 :02 QUALITY MANUAL Version:02 页次: 1 of 44 Page: 1 of 44 质量管理体系文件 Quality Management System Document 制定 审核: 批准: Prepared by Checked by: A roved by: 日期
ISO 9001/2015质量管理体系理论与实践 第三章 术语和定义 社会教育水平的提高以及要求趋于苛刻,使得相关方影响力与日俱增。本标准通过规定用于建立质量管理体系的术语和定义,提供了一种对组织的更加广泛地进行思考的方式。 所有的术语和定义应被看成一个整体,而不是彼此孤立的。没有哪一个术语或定义比另一个更重要...
当质量管理体系与其他管理体系整合后,与组织的质量、成长、资金、利润率、环境、职业健康和安全、能源、公共安全以及组织其他方面有关的目标、过程和资源,可以更加有效和高效的实现和应用。组织可以依据多个标准的要求,如:ISO9001、ISO14001、ISO/IEC27001和ISO50001对其管理体系同时进行整合的审核。 注:ISO手册《管理体...
Although the two International Standards have different scopes, they have similar structures in order to assist their application as a consistent pair. ISO 9001 specifies requirements for a quality management system that can be used for internal application by organizations, or for certification, or ...
ISO 9001是一个用于定义组织的质量管理体系的国际标准。该标准由国际标准化组织(ISO)制定和发布,并被全球范围内的组织广泛采用。ISO 9001标准包含一系列的要求和指南,以帮助组织实现一致的、高质量的产品和服务。 1. ISO 9001是什么? ISO 9001是一个国际标准,用于定义组织的质量管理体系。该标准的目的是确保组织能...
ISO9001质量管理体系标准要素详解.pdf,ISO9001 量管理體系標准要素詳解 ISO900 1:2000 Quality management systems Requirements (Third edition 2000-12 -15) 1 一﹑合理的簡化 2000 版 ISO9000 標准將其簡化為以下五個標准 1. ISO9000 2000 質量管理體系基本原理和朮語﹐
of ISO 9001:2015 1 Introduction Two of the most important objectives in the revision of the ISO 9000 series of standards have been: a)to develop a simplified set of standards that will be equally applicable to small as well as medium ...
Members of ISO and IEC maintain registers of currently valid International Standards. ISO 9000:2000,Quality management systems–Fundamentals and vocabulary. 3 Terms and definitions For the purposes of this International Standard, the terms and definitions given in ISO 9000 apply. The following terms ...
ISO 9001 2000 and ISO 14001 1996 B Correspondence between ISO 9001 2000 and ISO 9001 1994 Bibliography ChinaTop Systems info 2 17 Foreword ISO the International Organization for Standardization is a worldwide federation of national standards bodies ISO member bodies The work of preparing International...
Organizations follow the standards in order to meet customer demand and to improve their own quality performance. The ISO 9001 standard for organizations that design, produce, and service products contains twenty sections pertaining to all aspects of a quality system. Documentation organizations can ...