QualitySatisfy5 ISO9000修订阶段 ·Co-ordinationbyISOTC176 由TC176协调修订 1987年版 1994年版 2000年版 2008年版 DNV-June19999-2-24QualitySatisfy6 ISO9000标准族 Fourprimarystandards四个主要标准 •ISO9000Fundamentalsandvocabulary术语和 定义 •ISO9001Requirements要求 ...
Standards(cont’d) Provideagenericmodelofthe qualityprocess;mustbe instantiatedforeach organization Describewhat,atthe minimum,mustbedone;does NOTspecifyhowthingsareto7 SoftwareProjectManagement ISO9000andQuality Management ISO9000 qualitymodels ...
ISO9001质量手册中英文版.pdf,文件编号: QM- 01 质量手册 Document No. : QM- 01 版 :02 QUALITY MANUAL Version:02 页次: 1 of 44 Page: 1 of 44 质量管理体系文件 Quality Management System Document 制定 审核: 批准: Prepared by Checked by: A roved by: 日期
ISO9001:2000中文和英文版 ISO9001:2000中英文对照 Quality management systems — Requirements 质量管理体系——要求 1 Scope 1 范围 1.1 General 1.1 总则 This International Standard specifies requirements for a quality management system where an organization 本标准为有下列需求的组织规定了质量管理体系...
1.1 General This International Standard specifies requirements for a quality management system where an organization a) needs to demonstrate its ability to consistently provide product that meets customer and applicable regulatory requirements, and b) aims to enhance customer satisfaction through the ...
ISO9000修订阶段 Co-ordination by ISO TC 176 由TC 176协调修订 1987年版 1994年版 2000年版 2006-06-01 Quality & Satisfy 7Quallity Satisfy ISO 9000:2000标准族Four primary standards 四个主要标准 ISO 9000 Fundamentals and vocabulary 基础与词汇 ISO 9001 Requirements 要求 ISO 9004 Gu...
Two other standards, ISO 9000 and ISO 9004, define the basic elements of a comprehensive quality assurance system and provide guidance in applying the appropriate level. ISO 9000 describes the principal concepts of quality assurance, such as the objectives and responsibiliti ......
The ISO 9000 family of International Standards are quality system standards that guide a company's performance of specified requirements in the areas of design/development, production, installation, and service. The standards define three levels of quality assurance: Level 1 ( ISO 9001 ) provides a...
quality management standards in what is referred to as the ISO 9000 series. Each of the five standards(numbered 9000 to 9004) addresses a different topical area.For example, ISO 9000 affects the development and maintenance of software. In addition, the International Standards Organization 9000 ...
2.12 Relationship between quality management systems and excellence models The approaches of quality management systems given in the ISO9000 family of standards and in organizational excellence models are based on common principles. Both approaches a) enable an organization to identify its strengths and ...