Generic Standard ISO 14001 is a generic standard. Generic means that the same standards can be applied: To any organisation, large or small, whatever its product or service. In any sector of activity. Management Systems A Management system (in the context of the environment) means what the or...
如PPT文件的首页显示word图标,表示该PPT已包含配套word讲稿。双击word图标可打开word文档。 特殊限制: 部分文档作品中含有的国旗、国徽等图片,仅作为作品整体效果示例展示,禁止商用。设计者仅对作品中独创性部分享有著作权。 关键 词: 2007.pdf bs-iso 209-2007 《BS-ISO-209-2007.pdf》由会员分享,可在线阅读,...
Verbindungen mit isocyanatgruppen und verkappten gegenüber isocyanaten reaktiven gruppenCompounds with isocyanate groups and masked groups reactive in relation to isocyanates, of the formula (I), in which R, R, R, X and Y have the following meaning: R, R are hydrogen, C1- to C10-alkyl...
Process of preparation of isonicotinyl hydrazones and hydrazidesdoi:US3041345 APeter P T SahUS