亿思达租赁了解到,ISO 8573-1是一项国际标准,它规定了压缩空气的质量要求,包括对污染物的分类和纯度等级定义。这一标准将压缩空气中的污染物分为三大类:固体粒子、水(湿度)和油。对于每一种污染物,ISO 8573-1都设定了多个质量等级,等级数字越小表示该污染物含量越低,压缩空气质量越高。当提到ISO 8573 Clas...
[6] - measured according to ISO 8573-4[7] - measured according to ISO 8573-8[8] - measured according to ISO 8573-9[9] - if particles greater than 5 µm have been measured, class 0-5 cannot be applied[10] - liquid, aerosol and vapour oil content...
class of a compressed air sample, measurements shall be made in accord- ance with the appropriate part of is0 8573: - part 2 for measuring oil aerosols and oil liquid content of compressed air; - part 3 for measuring humidity; - part 4 for measuring solid particles; - part 5 for ...
我們所有的 Class 0 空壓機皆符合業界空氣純淨度的標準:ISO 8573-1 CLASS 0。使用我們的無油空氣解決方案來避免汙染。一探究竟
other than to say that it must be more pure (fewer particles in each size range) than class 1. Classes 0 through 5 are defined by the number of particles in a particular size range, in one cubic meter of compressed air. Measurement methods are described in Part 4 of ISO8573 for class...
जान का अधकार, जी का अधकार” “परा को छोड न तरफ” Mazdoor Kisan Shakti Sangathan Jawaharlal Nehru “The Right to Information, The Right to Live” “Step Out From the Old to the New” IS/ISO 8573-1 (...
ISO 8573-1:2010 Class 7.4.4是关于压缩空气质量的国际标准。这个标准主要规定了压缩空气中固体颗粒物的最大允许浓度。具体来说,Class 7.4.4表示每立方米压缩空气中,固体颗粒物的最大浓度不超过70,000颗粒,且颗粒尺寸不超过0.1微米。这个标准适用于需要高纯度压缩空气的行业,比如食品、医药和电子制造等。
Industries such as food and beverage processing have more stringent guidelines because the products will be consumed. Food and beverage production generally falls under ISO 8573-1:2010 Class 1.2.1. Here: Class 1 levels are needed for particulate. Therefore, in each cubic meter of compressed air,...
Ois the Purity Class for Oil (Classes 0 to 4, X) *ISO 8573-1 actually uses the letters ABC, but for this purpose, PWO makes is easier to remember the correct order. Specification Example #1:ISO 8573-1:2010 [2:2:1] This indicates Class 2 for particles, Class 2 for water, and Cla...