ISO 4892-3:2013 specifies methods for exposing specimens to fluorescent UV radiation, heat and water in apparatus designed to simulate the weathering effects that occur when materials are exposed in actual end-use environments to global solar radiation, or to solar radiation through window glass.The...
211 ISO 4892-2 DAM 1-2020 2020-12-21 English Plastics — Methods of exposure to laboratory light sources — Part 2: Xenon-arc lamps AMENDMENT 1: Classification of daylight filters 212 ISO FDIS 23940-2020 2020-12-18 English Dentistry — Excavators 213 ISO FDIS 4664-3-2020 2020-12-18 Engl...
7.3 uv resistance sacks made of uv-stabilized fabric shall retain at least 50 % of their original breaking strength when tested (see annex b) after exposure to uv radiation and weathering for 144 h in accordance with the procedure given in iso 4892-3:2006, table 4, method a, cycle no....