TC127:共179项ISO国际标准、修正案和技术勘误) 其中,现行ISO标准共153项 (TC127:4项/SC1:31项/SC2:66项/SC3:34项/SC4:18项) 修正案Amd共12项(SC1:3项、SC2:5项、SC3:5项、SC4:3项) 技术勘误Cor共10项(SC1:2项、SC2:5项、SC3:0项、SC4:2项)...
EN ISO 4413:2010 Hydraulic fluid power - General rules and safety requirements for systems and their components (ISO 4413:2010) EN ISO 4414:2010 Pneumatic fluid power - General rules and safety requirements for systems and their components (ISO 4414:2010) EN ISO 4871:2009 Acoustics - Declaratio...
EN ISO 4413:2010 Hydraulic fluid power - General rules and safety requirements for systems and their components (ISO 4413:2010) EN ISO 4414:2010 Pneumatic fluid power - General rules and safety requirements for systems and their components (ISO 4414:2010) EN ISO 4871:2009 Acoustics - Declaratio...
TC127:共179项ISO国际标准、修正案和技术勘误) 其中,现行ISO标准共153项 (TC127:4项/SC1:31项/SC2:66项/SC3:34项/SC4:18项) 修正案Amd共12项(SC1:3项、SC2:5项、SC3:5项、SC4:3项) 技术勘误Cor共10项(SC1:2项、SC2:5项、SC3:0项、SC4:2项)...
ISO/TC 127现行土方机械标准目录(截止2022年) TC127:共179项ISO国际标准、修正案和技术勘误) 其中,现行ISO标准共153项 (TC127:4项/SC1:31项/SC2:66项/SC3:34项/SC4:18项) 修正案Amd共12项(SC1:3项、SC2:5项、SC3:5项、SC4:3项) 技术勘误Cor共10项(SC1:2项、SC2:5项、SC3:0项、SC4:2项)...