国家代码(ISO 3166-1 alpha-2)中文名称 阿尔巴尼亚阿尔及利亚阿富汗阿根廷阿闻酋阿鲁巴阿曼阿塞拜疆埃及埃塞俄比亚爱尔兰爱沙尼亚安道尔安哥拉安圭拉安提瓜和巴布达奥地利澳大利亚澳门巴巴多斯巴布亚新几内亚巴哈马巴基斯坦巴拉圭巴勒斯坦巴林巴拿马巴西白俄罗斯百慕大保加利亚北马里亚纳贝劳贝宁比利时冰岛波多黎各波兰玻利维亚波斯尼亚和黑塞哥维那...
designationenables Alpha Kappa Alpha to promote the aims and objectives of the UN and to further the understanding [...] tipschina.gov.cn tipschina.gov.cn 如果表格具有类似Alpha或Barcode 这样需要打印的命令,此参数将不 起作用,而纸张将会移动。
Updated list of country codes. Alpha-2, alpha-3 code character alphabetic and 3 digit Numeric code ISO 3166 codes for each country.
import csv dic = {} with open("wikipedia-iso-country-codes.csv") as f: file= csv.DictReader(f, delimiter=',') for line in file: dic[line['English short name lower case']] = line['Alpha-2 code'] countries = ['American Samoa', 'Canada', 'France'] for country in countries: pr...
ISO 3166-1 decoding table This decoding table provides the user of ISO 3166-1 with an easy access to the definition of all 676 code elements available in the alpha-2 code of ISO's country code standard. The content of this document is taken from two sources: The official code list of ...
🇳🇴 Lookup information with ISO 3166-1 alpha-2, ISO 3166-1 alpha-3 and ISO 3166-1 numeric countryiso3166iso-3166-1lookup-information UpdatedMar 13, 2024 TypeScript Ready-to-use Laravel models and relations for country (ISO 3166), language (ISO 639-1), and currency (ISO 4217) infor...
Full list of ISO 3166 alpha 2, alpha 3, numeric, and international calling country codes, or country abbreviations, that represent world countries and dependent areas.
2013 Marc Wrobel (marc.wrobel@gmail.com) * * Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2....