INTERNATIONAL STANDARD IS0 2768l First edition 19991115 General tolerances Part 1: Tolerances for linear and angular dim
ISO 2768-2机电产品制造ISO标准电子版全文下载 3 下载积分: 1600 内容提示: IS0 2768-2 : 1989 (El Annex A (informative) Concepts behind general tolerancing of geometrical characteristics A.1 General tolerances should be indicated on the drawing by reference to this part of IS0 2766 in accordance...
ISO 2768-1 COPYRIGHT 2003; International Organization for Standardization Document provided by IHS Licensee=Deere & Co/9999663100, User=, 02/14/2003 00:02:20 MST Questions or comments about this message: please call the Document Policy Management Group at 1-800-451-1584. --``,`,```,``,...
1、INTERNATIONAL STANDARD IS0 2768-2 First edition 1989-11-15 General tolerances - Part 2: Geometrical tolerances for features without individual tolerance indications Tolkrances g8ntGrales - Partie 2: Tolhances g6omhtriques pour Sments non affect however, special examination is required to ...
ISO2768未注尺寸公差ISO13920 焊接尺寸公差ISO5817焊接缺陷质量等级ISO10042焊接.铝和铝合金的弧焊接头.缺陷质量分级这些都是公差盒质量等级,所以没有对应的美标。只要按照这些标准执行就可以了。 简单 发表于 2021-10-11 21:45:57 ISO2768未注尺寸公差