First, use ISO 27002 to better enable your ISO 27001 alignment. You can determine and implement controls for information security treatment in an ISMS based on the ISO 27001 standard. The statement of applicability that an organization creates to meet the ISO 27001 requirements can borrow heavily ...
Dionach Partnership with the UK Space Agency Enhances Cyber Security of Space SMEs Cyber security consultancy Dionach have signed a contract extension with the UK Space Agency to accelerate cyber security within UK Space companies. Dionach, a leading cybersecurity consultancy, has signed a contract ext...
I miss the ‘control objectives’ from BS 7799: these succinctly explained what the controls were expected to achieve, giving them a business-related purpose that was readily interpreted in the particular context of an individual organisation. If management accepted that an objective was valid, the...
27002controls,and -为现有的ISO/IEC27002控件提供了适用于公有云PII保护的实现指南,以及 -AnnexAprovidesasetofadditionalcontrolsandassociatedguidanceintendedtoaddresspubliccloudPII protectionrequirementsnotaddressedbytheexistingISO/IEC27002controlset. -附录A提供了一套额外的控制和相关指南,旨在解决现有ISO/IEC27002控制...
Even though the 93 controls listed in ISO 27002:2022 are divided into groups, as explained above, some of them may span all four areas. Let’s take “remote working” for example, which is suggested as a “people” control. Well, to secure information while working remotely, more considera...
ISO 27001:2022 Transition Explained Everyone certified to ISO 27001 will face some extra work over the next few years–even if that just means re-labeling your documents and controls. But depending on the scope of your ISMS, you might have up to 11 new controls to implement. Don’t assume...
Implementing the Controls Other notable standards in the ISO 27000 family are listed below: ISO 14000:This series of standards was introduced in 1996. It is related to environmental management and helps organizations around the world to reduce their adverse impact (if any) on the environment. Orga...
In addition to the terms explained in the “Key Principles and Terminology” section above, the most important terms used in ISO 27001 are: ‘Access Controls’ -processes that ensure that only the people that need to have access to a certain asset have that access and the “need”is determi...
Session - 3:PIMS requirements related to ISO/IEC 27002 Session - 4:ISO/IEC 27701 – Additional Requirements for PII Controller & Processor Session - 5: ISO/IEC 27701:2019 Control Objectives & Controls Session - 6:Documented Information
The training was good and the concepts are very well explained. Abhay Singh Kuwait I liked the course. The instructor was able to explain topics clearly and answered questions appropriately. He is also good with time management. Pranav Prasad India The trainer has taken every effort in co...