• A.6.3 Information Security Awareness, Education and Training Personnel of the organisation and relevant interested parties should receive appropriate information security awareness, education and training and regular updates of the organization’s information security policy, topic-specific policies and pr...
Table A.l — Information security controls 5 Organizational controls 5.1 Policies for information security Control Information security policy and topic-specific policies shall be defined, approved by management, published, communicated to and acknowledged by relevant personnel and relevant interested ...
Information security policy for topic-specific policies shall be defined, approved by management, published, communicated to and acknowledged by the relevant personnel and relevant interested parties, and reviewed at planned intervals and if significant changes occur. Information security roles and ...
for personnel and systems processing confidential information, what the acceptable incident response SLAs are, and what the awareness and training program looks to achieve. Objectives can be part of the information security policy, other topic-specific policies, and/or a separate set of documentation....
ISO27001标准可以作为评估组织满足顾客 来自iso吧 夕颜美好回忆🍁 0.0.0.*04-29 0 ISO 27001信息安全管理体系 信息安全管理体系(Information Security Management System,简称为ISMS)是1998年前后从英国发展起来的信息安全领域中的一个新概念,是管理体系(Management System,MS)思想和方法在信息安全领域的应用。近年来...
“Topic-specific policy” refers to mid-level policies e.g. topic-specific policies on access control and clear desk and clear screen” (the latter sounds, to me, more like a rule than a mid-level policy ... and indeed, as expressed by the project team, the topic-specific policy concep...
Introduction to ISO 27001 ISO 27001 uses a top-down, risk-based approach and is technology-neutral. The specification defines a set of security controls that are divided into 14 sections, each containing specific requirements. ISO 27001 also includes a set of control objectives and activities to ...
进行ISO27001认证的步骤一、项目前期准备阶段目的:充分体现领导作用和全员参与的原则,确保各个层面意识到信息安全管理体系的必要性和管理层的决心内容:启动该项目所必需的组织准备包括:① 理解管理层意图,渗透管理思路;② 将实施ISO27001项目的决定、目的、意义、要求在组织内传达,这也是体现内部沟通,提高全体员工意识的...
You as the orchestrator of your ISO 27001 compliant ISMS are free to choose whichever specific information security controls are applicable to your particular situation. ISO 27002 encompasses 133 topics divided into 12 chapters which all together provide over 5000 direct or derived security measures ...