阿尔巴尼亚 Tirana 28,748.0 2,986,952 EU AM ARM 051 Armenia亚美尼亚 Yerevan 29,800.0 2,968,000 AS AN ANT 530 Netherlands Antilles荷属安的列斯 Willemstad 960.0 300,000 NA AO AGO 024 Angola安哥拉 Luanda 1,246,700.0 13,068,161 AF AQ ATA 010 Antarctica南极洲 14,000,000.0 0 AN AR ARG ...
Country Code and Name ISO2 ISO3 Country Code Country Name English Country Fullname EnglishCountry Abbrevation 4 472 8 12 16 20 24 660 10 28 899 32 51 533 36 40 31 44 48 50 52 112 56 58 84 204 60 64 68 70 72 74 80 86 92 76 96 100 837 854 108 471 116 120 124 132 129 ...
Updated list of country codes. Alpha-2, alpha-3 code character alphabetic and 3 digit Numeric code ISO 3166 codes for each country.
CountryInformation.getIso2Code Method Reference Feedback Package: com.microsoft.store.partnercenter.models.validations Maven Artifact: com.microsoft.store:partnercenter:1.15.3 public String getIso2Code() Returns java.lang.String Applies to Microsoft.Store.PartnerCenter Java latest...
public static final CountryIsoCode ALBANIA ALGERIA public static final CountryIsoCode ALGERIA AMERICAN_SAMOA public static final CountryIsoCode AMERICAN_SAMOA ANDORRA public static final CountryIsoCode ANDORRA ANGOLA public static final CountryIsoCode ANGOLA ANGUILLA...
Country Code and Name ISO2 ISO3 下载积分: 100 内容提示: Country Code Country Name English Country Fullname EnglishCountry Abbrevation447281216202466010288993251533364031444850521125658842046064687072748086927696100837854108471116120124132129136140148152Afghanistan Afghanistan AfghanistanAfrica CAMEU region, nes Africa CAMEU ...
【英语版】国际标准 ISO 3166-2:2020 EN 国家及其行政分区名称表示代码 第2部分:国家分区代码 Codes for the representation of names of countries and their subdivisions — Part 2: Country subdivision code.pdf 关闭预览 想预览更多内容,点击免费在线预览全文 免费在线预览全文 ...
Yes, there are two main types of ISO language codes: ISO 639-1 and ISO 639-2. ISO 639-1 codes consist of two-letter codes, while ISO 639-2 codes can be two or three letters. Additionally, there’s ISO 639-3, which includes codes for individual languages and distinct dialects. ...
public static final CountryIsoCode ALGERIA AMERICAN_SAMOA public static final CountryIsoCode AMERICAN_SAMOA ANDORRA public static final CountryIsoCode ANDORRA ANGOLA public static final CountryIsoCode ANGOLA ANGUILLA public static final CountryIsoCode ANGUILLA ANTARCTICA...
CountryInformation CountryInformation Constructors Methods getCountryCallingCodesList getDefaultCulture getExtensionData getGeographicRegion getIsCityRequired getIsPostalCodeRequired getIsRegistrationNumberSupported getIsStateRequired getIsTaxIdSupported getIsVatIdSupported getIso2Code getIso3Code getPhoneNumber...