—Part 16: Energy efficiency in cleanrooms and separative devicesSalles propres et environnements maîtrisés apparentés —Partie 16: Efficacité énergétique dans les salles propres et les dispositifs séparatifsINTERNATIONAL STANDARDISO14644-16First edition2019-05Reference numberISO 14644-16:2019(E...
Introduction of ISO 14644-16:2019 Cleanrooms and associated controlled environments —Part 16 :Energy efficiency in cleanrooms and separative devices By Zhang Yanguo'^ Abstract ISO released the first edition of the ISO 14644-16 in May 2019, giving guidance...
Cleanrooms and associated controlled environments - Part 16: Energy efficiency in cleanrooms and separative devices (ISO 14644-16:2019)doi:EN ISO 14644-16:2019本标准提出了根据EN ISO 14644-1分类的降低能源消耗和保持新旧洁净室和洁净空气装置的能源效率的建议...
Document Language: English(原版PDF)+Chinese(ISO中文版翻译) Published By:International Organization for Standardization(ISO) Page Count: 28 Abstract: ISO 14644-14, 1st Edition, September 15, 2016 - Cleanrooms and associated controlled environments - Part 14: Assessment of suitability for use of equip...
ISO TS 16782-2016 ISO TS 16843-1-2016 ISO TS 17225-8-2016 ISO TS 17902-2016 ISO TS 18062-2016 ISO TS 19157-2-2016 ISO TS 19844-2016 ISO TS 20746-2016 ISO TS 21219-23-2016 ISO TS 21569-4-2016 ISO TS 21569-5-2016 ISO TS 21569-6-2016 ...
Alltheserecommendationsare applicable to impaction method but alsotoinnovative solutions;this norm has to be considered withothertexts such as ISO 14644,GMP, cGMP, etc. to make sure thattheindustrial process is masteredand the products are of agoodquality. ...
英文名称:Cleanrooms and associated controlled environments — Part 1: Classification of air cleanliness 标准状态:废止 发布日期:1999-05-06 文档简介 ISO14644-1标准是关于洁净室及相关受控环境的,它分为两部分:第一部分是关于空气清洁度的分类。这个标准主要用于描述和控制高度洁净的环境,这些环境对于许多高科技...
DIN EN ISO 14644-8-2022 Cleanrooms and associated controlled environments - Part 8:Classification of airborne molecular contamination 洁净室和相关控制环境. 第8部分: 空气中分子污染的分类.pdf,DEUTSCHE NORM Oktober 2022 DIN EN ISO 14644-8 一 DIN 一 JCS 13.