Copyright 2008 by Bureau Veritas Certification for use of this draft ISO 14064-1温室气体 第一部分 组织层次上对温室气体排放和清除的量化和报告的规范及指南Greenhouse gases – Part 1: Specification with guidance at the organization level for quantification and reporting of greenhouse gas emission and rem...
ISO 14064-1(CN)ISO 14064-1
内容提示: Copyright 2008 by Bureau Veritas Certification for use of this draft ISO 14064-1温室气体 第一部分 组织层次上对温室气体排放和清除的量化和报告的规范及指南Greenhouse gases – Part 1: Specification with guidance at the organization level for quantification and reporting of greenhouse gas ...
INTERNATIONAL STANDARD Greenhouse gases -Part 1: ISO 14064-1 Second edition 2018-12 Specif i cation with guidance at the organization level for quantif i cation and reporting of greenhouse gas emissions and removals Caz a effet de serre— Partie 1: Speci f ications et lignes directrices, au...
CNS14064-1标准条款解释 注:CNS14064是台湾地区从ISO14064转译过来的标准 前言簡介1.適用範圍2.用語與定義3.原則3.1通則3.2相關性3.3完整性3.4一致性3.5準確性3.6透明度4.溫室氣體盤查設計與發展4.1組織邊界4.2營邊界4.3溫室氣體排放與移除之量化5.溫室氣體盤查清冊組成5.1溫室氣體排放...
其中,ISO14064-1 规定了在组织(企业)层次上GHG(Greenhouse gas,即温室气体) 清单的设计、制定、管理和报告的原则和要求。ISO 14064-1:2006 版标准发布于2006年3月1日,2018年12月ISO组织更新发布了ISO 14064-1:2018版标准,新版标准对间接排放有了更高的要求,相较于2006版将间接排放划分为“能源使用间接排放”和...
内容提示: INTERNATIONAL STANDARD Greenhouse gases -Part 1: ISO 14064-1 Second edition 2018-12 Specif i cation with guidance at the organization level for quantif i cation and reporting of greenhouse gas emissions and removals Caz a effet de serre— Partie 1: Speci f ications et lignes ...
ISO 14064-1 温室气体 第一部分 组织层次上对温室气 体排放和清除的量化和报告的规范及指南 Greenhouse gases – Part 1: Specification with guidance at the organization level for quantification and reporting of greenhouse gas emission and removal
BS ISO 14064-1:2006 Greenhous gases - Part 1Brahic, C
温室气体盘查与标准iso14064-1介绍 温室⽓体盘查与标准iso14064-1介绍