Reference numberISO 10303-11:2004(E)© ISO 2004 INTERNATIONAL STANDARD ISO10303-11Second edition2004-11-01Industrial automation systems and integration — Product data representation and exchange — Part 11: Description methods: The EXPRESS language reference manual Systèmes d'automatisation industrielle ...
ISO 10303-11:2004 工业自动化系统和集成.产品数据表示和交换.第11部分:描述方法:EXPRESS语言参考手册 Industrial automation systems and integration - Product data representation and exchange - Part 11: Description methods: The EXPRESS language reference manual ...
国际标准分类中,iso10303 - 11涉及到信息技术应用、工业自动化系统、字符集和信息编码。 在中国标准分类中,iso10303 - 11涉及到半导体集成电路、工业控制机与计算技术应用装置、工业自动化与控制装置综合。 国际标准化组织,关于iso10303 - 11的标准 ISO 10303-11:1994工业自动化系统和集成 产品数据表示和交换 第11...
什么是STEPcode? SC读取ISO10303-11 EXPRESS模式并生成C ++源代码,该代码可以读取和写入符合该模式的Part 21文件。 除C ++外,SC还包括对Python的实验性支持。 在2012年4月/ 5月更名:SC以前被称为STEP类库,简称SCL。 它被重命名是因为名称不正确:类库仅构成代码的一部分。
What is STEPcode? SC reads ISO10303-11 EXPRESS schemas and generates C++ source code that can read and write Part 21 files conforming to that schema. In addition to C++, SC includes experimental support for Python. Renamed in April/May 2012: SC was formerly known as STEP Class Libraries, ...
STEPcode (formerly NIST's STEP Class Library) is used with IFC, STEP, and other standards that utilize the technologies of ISO10303 (STEP). It generates C++ and Python from EXPRESS (10303-11) schemas. The code is capable of reading and writing STEP Part
ISO 10303-11 Technical Corrigendum 1:1999-07 IEEE Std 802.11b-2001 (Corrigendum to IEEE Std 802.11b-1999) “IEEE Standard for Information technology—Telecommunications and information exchange between systems—Local and metropolitan area networks—Specific requirements, Part 11: Wireless ... Title (En...
DIN EN 62149-11-2017 光纤有源元件和设备. 性能标准. 第11部分:具有多模光纤接口的多通道发射机/接收机芯片级封装(IEC 86C / 1471 / CD:2017) 国际标准化组织,关于芯片散装的标准 ISO 23976:2021 塑料.快速差示扫描量热法(FSC).芯片量热法 ISO/TS 10303-1650:2006 工业自动化系统和集成.产品数据表示和...
ISO15926 & ISO16739 - buildingSMART S608DevelopingGuidelinesforDeterminingWhentoUse ISO16739andISO15926 DekeSmith,FAIA,ExecutiveDirector,buildingSMARTallianceDecember11,2008 NationalInstituteof BuildingSciences InternationalAllianceforInteroperability NationalInstituteofBuildingSciences•1974-PublicLaw93-383,Sect.809 ...
ISO 10303-11:1994工业自动化系统和集成 产品数据表示和交换 第11部分:描述方法:EXPRESS语言参考手册 Industrial automation systems and integration - Product data representation and exchange - Part 11: Description methods: The EXPRESS language reference manual 作废...