Reference numberISO 10303-11:2004(E)© ISO 2004 INTERNATIONAL STANDARD ISO10303-11Second edition2004-11-01Industrial automation systems and integration — Product data representation and exchange — Part 11: Description methods: The EXPRESS language reference manual Systèmes d'automatisation industrielle ...
ISO 10303-11:1994/DAmd 1的历代版本如下: 2004年 ISO 10303-11:2004 工业自动化系统和集成.产品数据表示和交换.第11部分:描述方法:EXPRESS语言参考手册 1999年 ISO 10303-11:1994/Cor 1:1999 工业自动化系统和集成 产品数据表示和交换 第11部分:描述方法:EXPRESS语言参考手册 技术勘误1 1994年 ISO 10303-11:...
ISO 10303-11:2004 引用标准 ISO 10303-1:1994ISO/IEC 10646:2003ISO/IEC 8824-1:2002 适用范围 ISO 10303 的这一部分定义了一种可以指定产品数据各方面的语言。 该语言称为 EXPRESS。 ISO 10303 的这一部分还定义了 EXPRESS 语言结构子集的图形表示。 这种图形表示称为 EXPRESS-G。 EXPRESS 是 ISO 10303-1...
The Application of ISO 10303-11 (the EXPRESS Language) in Defining Data Models for Software Design and Implementation.International Standards Organization Technical Committee 184, Sub-committee 4,Working Group 3 (ISO TC184/SC4/WG3) is responsible for the development of ISO10303 (informally known as...
ISO TS 10303-1109-2019 ISO TS 10303-1288-2019 ISO TS 10303-1362-2019 ISO TS 10867-2019 ISO TS 11251-2019 ISO TS 12913-3-2019 ISO TS 15926-4-2019 ISO TS 16355-6-2019 ISO TS 16943-2019 ISO TS 17187-2019 ISO TS 18621-11-2019 ...
将ISO-10303-11 EXPRESS中编写的信息模型转换为DAML+OIL/OWL (e2ont)的转换器。该软件扩展了OSEXPRESS解析器。DAML+OIL或OWL代码是使用Jena2 Semantic Web框架获得的。文件列表 (预估有个49文件) e2ont etc expt.rules 4KB rdfs-fb-lp-expt.rules 3KB rdfs-fb-tgc-no...
49 ISO 10303-52 CORR 1-2014 2014-07-01 English Industrial automation systems and integration - Product data representation and exchange - Part 52: Integrated generic resource: Mesh based topology TECHNICAL CORRIGENDUM 1 - First Edition 50 ISO 10303-104 CORR 2-2014 2014-07-01 English Industrial ...
ISO 19642-11-2023 ISO 19642-12-2023 ISO 20045-2023 ISO 20297-2-2023 ISO 20404-2023 ISO 20658-2023 ISO 20671-3-2023 ISO 20785-3-2023 ISO 210-2023 ISO 211-2023 ISO 2113-2023 ISO 21219-10-2023 ISO 21219-15-2023 ISO 21219-16-2023 ...
ISO 7921-2024.pdf Ophthalmic optics and instruments - Near reading charts STANDARD by International Organization for Standardization, 02/01/2024. LANGUAGES: English+翻译中文版 ISO 10303-2-2024.pdf Industrial automation systems and integration - Product data representation and exchange - Part 2: Vocabul...
11 ISO 10303-238-2022.pdf 翻译中文版 2022-09-01 English Industrial automation systems and integration — Product data representation and exchange Part 238: Application protocol: Model based integrated manufacturing - Third Edition; Includes Access to Additional Content 12 ISO ISO/IEC 21122-5-2022.pd...