美国安全用药研究所(the Institute for Safe Medication Practices,ISMP)1995-1996调查研究显示,少数特殊药品的用药差错导致绝大多的致死或者致严重伤害[1]。ISMP在2001年明确了高警示药品的定义:高警示药品(High-alert medications 或High-alert drugs),指的是使用不当会对患者造成...
Potential solutions to this issue include improvements in alerting mechanisms and allergy documentation, as well as continuous alert monitoring and more thorough patient engagement. 2. Investigational Medications In the past year, several errors and hazards related to investigational drugs have been reported...
During February-April 2007, 770 practitioners responded to an ISMP survey designed to identify which of these medications were most frequently consid- ered high-alert drugs by individuals and organizations. Further, to assure relevance and completeness, the clinical staff at ISMP, members of our ...