Journal Abbreviation: ISME J Journal ISSN: 1751-7362Year Impact Factor (IF) Total Articles Total Cites 2023 (2024 update) 10.8 179 38872 2022 11.0 - 40061 2021 11.217 - 39660 2020 10.302 343 33484 2019 9.180 250 26474 2018 9.493 257 23603 2017 9.520 248 19791 2016 9.664 255 17083 2015 ...
伊斯梅杂志(Isme Journal)是一本由Springer Nature出版的一本环境科学-生态学学术刊物,主要报道环境科学-生态学相关领域研究成果与实践。本刊已入选来源期刊,属于国际一流期刊。该刊创刊于2007年,出版周期Monthly。2021-2022年最新版WOS分区等级:Q1,2023年发布的影响因子为10.8,CiteScore指数22.1,SJR指数3.692。本刊非开...
Biodiversity articles withinThe ISME Journal Featured Article|13 October 2023 Land use conversion increases network complexity and stability of soil microbial communities in a temperate grassland Carolyn R. Cornell ,Ya Zhang &Jizhong Zhou Article ...
The ISME Journal volume 17, pages 2441–2451 (2023)Cite this article 5584 Accesses 16 Altmetric Metrics details Abstract Vector-borne pathogens frequently modify traits of their primary hosts and vectors in ways that influence disease transmission. Such effects can themselves be altered by the prese...
A debate is currently ongoing as to whether intensive livestock farms may constitute reservoirs of clinically relevant antimicrobial resistance (AMR), thus posing a threat to surrounding communities. Here, combining shotgun metagenome sequencing, machine
nature the isme journal articles article Article Open access Published: 07 June 2023 High speciation rate of niche specialists in hot springs Qing He, Shang Wang, Kai Feng, Sean T. Michaletz, Weiguo Hou, Wenhui Zhang, Fangru Li, Yidi Zhang, Danrui Wang, Xi Peng, Xing...
SARS, phylogenetic relationships were not considered in the regression analyses of transduction rates of the two pseudotyped viruses. However, a two-step method was employed in all regression analyses to correct thepvalue [47,48]. In the first step, the species that had the greatest impact on ...
The ISME Journal volume 17, pages 2247–2258 (2023)Cite this article 3334 Accesses 2 Altmetric Metrics details Abstract The management of bacterial pathogens remains a key challenge of aquaculture. The marine gammaproteobacterium Piscirickettsia salmonis is the etiological agent of piscirickettsiosis ...
Microbiome (2023) Taurine as a key intermediate for host-symbiont interaction in the tropical sponge Ianthella basta Florian U Moeller Craig W Herbold Michael Wagner The ISME Journal (2023) Examining the giant barrel sponge species complex: molecular and microbial differentiation of Xestospongia ...
had the highest impact on the functional network of a root microbial community [48], whereas removingBurkholderialesfrom the network had a smaller impact, and removingPseudomonadaleshad almost no impact at all [48]. In the current study,RhizobialesandBurkholderialeswere the only two orders of...