1) ISM code 国际安全管理规则 1. Different ideas have existed in the implementation of ISM Code,especially in the understanding of its Chapter 12. 《国际安全管理规则》实施以来,争议较多,特别是第12章的理解问题,更是众说纷纭。 2. ISM Code is the first code of IMO relating to the shipping comp...
1.4 Unlike the majority of the IMO Conventions, Codes and guidelines on which the present regulatory system is based, the ISM Code focus on the role of people and the human element so that at all times they can safely monitor and
This year, this code was formally adopted and integrated as a part of the SOLAS Convention. Credits: imo.org In other words, it can also be highlighted that the ISM Code Shipping is an intrinsic part of the International Maritime Organisation’s (IMO) efforts to ensure, maintain, and ...
IMO_ISM Code_(2002)文件.pdf,International Safety Management Code ISM Code and Revised Guidelines on Implementation of the ISM Code by Administrations 2OO2 Edition INTERNATIONAL MARITIME ORGANIZATION London, 2002 First published in 1997 by the INTERNATION
The objectives of the Code are to ensure safety at sea, prevent human injury and avoid damage to the environment and to property. The Code does not create specific operating rules and regulations, but provides a broad framework for vessel owners and operators to ensure compliance with existing ...
Marine accident prevention: an evaluation of the ISM code by the fundamentals of the complexity theory The ISM code, being a safety standard, has been based on good management and organization rulesl. However, ISM code was accused of increasing the ... AM Goulielmos,CB Giziakis - 《Disaste...
Annex to IMO Assembly Resolution A.741(18) - 1993 PREAMBLE 1.The purpose of this Code is to provide an international standard for the safe management and operation of ships and for pollution prevention.2.The Assembly adopted resolution A.443(XI) by which it invited all Governments to take ...
2.3.4 The verification of compliance with mandatory rules and regulations, which is part of the ISM Code certification, neither duplicates nor substitutes surveys for other maritime certificates. The verification of compliance with the ISM Code does not relieve the Company, the Master or any other ...
参考答案: 从 1979 年到 1993 年,IMO 先后针对人为因素和管理问题通过了 9 项大会决议。这些决议的通过,为 ISM 规则的制定奠定了基础,并最终形成了 ISM 规则。 1.A.441(Ⅺ)号决议和 A.443(Ⅺ)号决议 IMO 于 1979 年 11 届大会通过了 A.441(Ⅺ)和 A.443(Ⅺ)两个决议,分别提 出,请主管机关采取...