Welcome to the official home of the Isle of Man TT Races. Get your TT fix with all the latest news, race schedule, results, interviews, highlights and more. Plus discover access to live timing and TT+, the official digital channel for the the world's gre
The riders who compete in it train their whole lives for the chance to win the ultimate accolade: being crowned champion of the Isle of Man TT. The game includes all the official content of the latest TT (riders, bikes, teams, course) for a unique and true-to-life experience. You are...
a course of over 60km on the roads of the Isle of Man, includes 264 bends, and requires high-powered bikes specially prepared for the race. The riders who compete in it train their whole lives for the chance to win the ultimate accolade: being crowned champion of the Isle of Man TT....
For bikers, there are two types of speed races: the Isle of Man TT and the rest. No race is more difficult. Take up the challenge of the legendary Snaefell Mountain course: all 37.73 miles faithfully reproduced with the champions and their bikes.
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开发商在死寂了将近两年之后直接发布了二代 TT Isle of Man Ride on the Edge 2 官方介绍: 毫无疑问,这是世界上最危险的摩托车比赛之一。在《曼岛TT赛事:边缘竞速2》中,你要在不同的锦标赛中证明自己的价值,然后才能征服斯纳费尔山赛道,这是一条长达60公里的赛道,兼具蜿蜒赛段和直路赛段,可让你将骑行...
Classic TT:Wed/Fri 28th/30th Aug Read The Latest News From Our Correspondents. All Current NewsPrevious News Archive If you are visiting "The Island" then stop at Barregarrow Church, Malcolm's favourite viewing spot, see this plaque on the wall and think of Malcolm ...
《曼岛TT摩托车大赛》(TT Isle of Man)宣传片拟真摩托赛车游戏《曼岛TT摩托车大赛》已于昨日上架eShop,售价49.99美元,支持中文。该作忠实还原了英国曼岛摩托车赛全程60.7公里的路程,包括23名车手和40款车型,支持最多8人在线竞赛。 LSwitch游戏的微博视频 ...
The riders who compete in it train their whole lives for the chance to win the ultimate accolade: being crowned champion of the Isle of Man TT. The game includes all the official content of the latest TT (riders, bikes, teams, course) for a unique and true-to-life e...
Isle of Ma..有吧友可能不太清楚TT的具体赛制, 做个简单说明, 如有错误请纠正.首先关于战车, 不少吧友问XXX车型能不能跑TT, 其实这个比赛虽然没有GP那么严格限制, 但还是有很多规定的.总的来讲, 参赛车辆