Welcome to the new home of isleofman.com, manx.net and directory.im. We’ve moved house, brought everything under one roof, and made a number of improvements we hope you’ll enjoy! If you previously had an account with us: Click “Sign In” from the main menu, and then click “...
Isle of Man police hunt for killer of troubled teenagersSECURITY WAS stepped up at all exit points on the Isle of Man yesterday after police revealed that a killer who strangled two teenagers was probably still on the island.Herbert, Ian...
isleofmanpolice ISLEOFMANCONSTABULARYHOWTOAPPLYFORACCESSTOINFORMATIONHELDBYTHEISLEOFMANPOLICEYOURRIGHTSSubjecttocertainexemptions,youhavearighttobetoldwhetheranyinformationisheldaboutyou,andarighttobeprovidedwithacopyoftheinformation.TheChiefOfficerofPolicewillonlybeabletoprovidethatinformationifsatisfiedofyouridentity....
It was the first of six Police Academy movies made just in the 1980s. A seventh was released in 1994. Sadly, none of the sequels matched the fun and wit of the original starring Steve Guttenberg and Kim Cattrall. 'Gremlins' Warner Bros. 'Gremlins' Never had a movie been so cute and ...
HSBC takes fraud and other financial crimes very seriously. We want you to be aware of the different ways criminals may try to steal not just your money.
Fraud alert:Never give out your security codes to anyone. Criminals pretend to be people you trust like a company you pay bills to, HSBC or even the police. To find out more, visit ourFraud Guide. Why choose the Digital Secure Key?
Criminals impersonating the bank or police is one of the most common scams we see. It can have a devastating impact on victims so it's vital you can spot these before it's too late. More on impersonation Remote access fraud A caller may claim there's an issue with your computer and...
The Isle of Man (population 50,000) is a British Crown Dependency in the middle of the Irish Sea. It is not legally part of the UK. It has its own parliament and makes its own laws. These are often similar to UK laws, but the island did not follow the UK in abolishing judicial ...
“Behold, children are a heritage from the LORD, the fruit of the womb a reward. Like arrows in the hand of a warrior are the children of one's youth. Blessed is the man who fills his quiver with them!” Psalm127:3-5a As a church we understand that children and young adults are...
Career Opportunities for Auxiliary Police Officers in Singapore Security Singapore LKR rs595085 - LKR rs695400 Full Time Urgent Better Service Starts Here Emerald Isle Manpower and Travel Services is an award winning recruitment agency in Sri Lanka, known for its passionate, skilled recruitment of...