Normal series 1974-79. Rear plate. MAN = Isle of Man. Note: Unlike Great Britain, the last letter is not an age identifier. Normal series 1974-79 reissued. MAN = Isle of Man. White on black plates still allowed for vehicles manufactured before 1st February 1990. Note: Unlike Great Brita...
A cherished number plate is a 'chosen' registration number, rather than a standard issue 'next number in line'. Cherished Number PlatesThere are ten bands of fees which apply to the cherished numbers incorporating MAN or MN in addition to a further fourteen bands for the MANX range of ...
Nash RDM, Geffen AJ, Hughes G (1994) Individual growth of juvenile plaice (Pleuronectes platessa L.) on a small Irish sea nursery ground (Port Erin Bay, Isle of Man, UK). Neth J Sea Res 32:369-378Nash, R.D.M., Geffen, A.J., Hughes, G., 1994a. Individual growth of ...