Reports on the plan of the Isle of Man government to remove corporate income tax in April 2006. List of companies and sectors that will no longer have to pay corporate income tax upon the implementation of the plan; Conditions set by the government in approving tax information exchange ...
0% is the standard rate of corporation tax for all resident and non-resident Isle of Man companies. There is no capital gains tax, inheritance tax and a top personal income rate of 22% applies for individuals, which is capped at £200,000. No tax is levied on trusts with non-IoM ...
In May 2023 the Government responded to the OECD’s Pillar Two framework confirming their intent to introduce the global minimum corporate tax rate of 15% for multinational enterprises. The first move closer to Pillar 2, sees an increase in the commercial tax rate from 10% to 15% for banks ...
The Tax Information Exchange Agreement (Taxes on Income) (Isle of Man) Order 2005doi:2005 No. 1263
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Are you looking to set up a company in the Isle of Man? Contact us today to get a free consultation regarding the IOM companies.