MAN,' 'ISLE OF(anc.Mona), a dominion of the crown of England, in the Irish Sea. (For map, see England, section I.) It is about 33 m. long by about 1 2 broad in the broadest part. Its general form resembles that of an heraldic lozenge, though its outline is very irregular, be...
CENSUSThe article describes the visits of Prof. John Rhs to the Isle of Man from 1886 to 1893, during which he collected material on the Manx Gaelic language from native speakers. He focused on 88 informants from different parts of the island and published his li...
It is the largest island in the Firth of Clyde and the seventh-largest Scottish island, at 432 square kilometres (167 sq mi). Historically part of Buteshire, it is in the unitary council area of North Ayrshire. In the 2011 census it had a resident population of 4,629. Though culturally...