Directed by Mark Robson,Isle of the Deadis thematically rich, even for a Lewton project; set in Greece at the end of the Balkan wars, a plague joins forces with the supernatural to wreak havoc on a band of war-weary soldiers. A few of these men, along with a small company of expatri...
Mongolian Death Worm: A Puppet Show Musical(2020) Ewan Henderson Actor Gods of Their Own Religion(2023) Thomas Sexton Wyatt Screen One(1985) James Ward Herman Schmidt Horror on the Nameless Isle(2020) MOVIEmeter Members only Become a member to access additional data ...
Isle of Dogs is Wes Anderson’s homage to the films of Akira Kurosawa. Mayor Kobayashi is Trump’s stand-in, and perhaps even a pointed manifestation of dictatorship of all sorts, considering the very Nuremberg rally-ish speeches he delivers. The dogs ...
Based on the bestselling book by Peter Höeg, and created and written by Clive Bradley (“Trapped”), the series will follows Smilla Jaspersen, whose investigation into the mysterious death of an immigrant Inuit child from the projects evolves into a much grander supernatural epic. Her ...
He was the only journalist or filmmaker to interview the head of a right-wing death squad during El Salvador’s civil war – revealed in his documentaryThe Front Line. He covered the coronation of Central Africa’s crazed Emperor Bokassa and the fall of Uganda’s homicidal dictator Idi Amin...
The Magic of Bell Island is a fantastic feel good movie especially for seniors.Four of us attended and left in a great mood. The scenery and the sets were very realistic. The acting was brilliant, especially the children.The film had many themes: Reality vs Imagination, Alcholism, Death of...
Isle of Dogs By now, dogs have figured out that to appear in a Wes Anderson film means death or at least exposure to certain peril. InThe Royal Tenenbaums(2001), Owen Wilson’s drugged-up cowboy author madly drove his sports car into the Tenenbaum home, killing their Beagle named Buckley...
Another tough "Golden Girls" episode centers on the death of Phil, Sophia's son and Dorothy's younger brother, who suffers an unexpected heart attack while trying on a woman's dress at a store. The episode begins with the women getting dressed for his funeral while simultaneously discussing ...
No doubt you are here at the mention of a cash prize, yes? Understood. THE ISLE TIDE HOTEL GIVEAWAY2023年8月3日周四 小型更新/补丁说明 This update brings minor bug fixes and optimisations. This follows a deadly televised battle royale between high-profile streamers, entertainers, and death ...
I contracted maintained a death-grip over every element of the story. I could not add or delete ANY dialogue or scenes from the screenplay. I was utterly at the mercy of the script and the shoot, although the studio heads were so secretive, they would not allow me to see the movie!!