五、阅读短文,完成任务。In the Pacific Ocean, there's a big island.It's full of plastic things,
Reading for knowledge(37) A Litter Island一个 岛In our daily life, so many people throw litter into the sea. It ends up in the Pacific Ocean. There is a big island of litter. There are plastic things, such as old toys, bottles, shoes and plastic bags.These waste things get together...
R., (1999): Plastics and South Pacific Island shores: environmental implications, Ocean & Coastal Management 42, 603-615GREGORY M R.Plastic and South Pacific islands shores:environmental implications[J].Ocean&Coastal Man--GREGORY M R.Plastic and South Pacific islands shores:environmental implications...
I had no idea that there is a 3.5 million ton island of plastic and garbage floating in the Pacific ocean between Hawaii and San Francisco. I found this out last night when I was marveling at the ridiculous petroleum-based packaging that housed my Oscar Meyer Center Cut Bacon. Not only ...
WASHINGTON, May 15 (Xinhua) -- It seems that there is really no place to escape plastic pollution. A study, published Monday in the U.S. journal Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences, documented the accumulation of plastic debris on a remote South Pacific island, and was surprised...
A Litter Island In our daily life, so many people throw litter into the sea. It ends up in the Pacific Ocean. There is a big island of litter. There are plastic things,such as old toys, bottles, shoes and plastic bags. These waste things get together in the sea and they become an...
A Litter IslandIn our daily life, so many people throw litter into the sea. It ends up inthe Pacific Ocean. There is a big island of itter There are plastic things,such as old toys, bottles, shoesand plastic bags. These wastethings get together in the seaand they become an island on...
A plastic island twice the size of Texas is located in the middle of the Pacific Ocean. Ecopsychology becomes an important new ethical movement for increasing social self-consciousness. Human beings don’t live in a vacuum; we live in the world. This may explain, in...
A plastic island twice the size of Texas is located in the middle of the Pacific Ocean. Ecopsychology becomes an important new ethical movement for increasing social self-consciousness. Human beings don’t live in a vacuum; we live in the world. This may explain, in...
This is just some of what can be found on and near the Great Eastern Garbage Patch, but they all equal this: roughly one million pieces of plastic per square mile across hundreds of miles of the Pacific Ocean. Countless animals in and out of the water have confused these floating plastic...