This page relates to everything about the FFXIV workshop on your island including what supply and popularity do, how your agenda works, how best to farm Seafarer's Cowries and how to upgrade your workshop. Island Sanctuary Guides 1Island Sanctuary Home Page2Gathering Materials3Island Leveling4Fa...
This guide explains Gathering for Island Sanctuary content in FFXIV listing Gathering Locations and the best gathering spots on your Island.
Island Iron Ore Item#37572 Island Iron Ore MARKET PROHIBITEDUNTRADABLEISLAND SANCTUARY ITEM Other Item Patch 6.2 Description: A sizable chunk of iron-imbued ore mined in the Cieldalaes. Requirements: Level1 Item Level1 Statistics & Bonuses:...
Island Copper Ore 3 Island Sand Isleworks Firesand (Available from:Tactful Taskmaster)3 2 Island Sand 1 Island Limestone 1 Islewort Workshop I (Available from:Facility Logboard)3 10 Island Log 10 Island Palm Leaf 10 Island Limestone
Island Copper Ore Island Coral Island Cotton Boll Island Crystal Formation Island Durium Sand Island Effervescent Water Island Glimshroom Island Gold Ore Island Hawk's Eye Sand Island Hemp Island Iron Ore Island Jellyfish Island Laver Island Leucogranite ...
Mossy MountainsIsland Silver OreBranch, Stone, Sand, Copper Ore, Limestone, Iron Ore, Quarts, Leucogranite, Multicolored Islebloom, Marble, Mythril Ore, Durium Sand Crumbling CavernsIsland Cave ShrimpStone, Sand, Coal, Shale, Glimshroom, Effervescent Water, Spectrine, Yellow Copper Ore, Gold Ore...