Geological profile across Maio (a) and enlargements from Fig.1geological map (b–d). Sampling locations and dykes intruding the Batalha Formation below the Mte Branco Thrust (b), the study locations for the conglomerate below Mte Penoso Formation rocks (c), and enlarged image of the Mte Esg...
Diego Garcia Falkland Islands (The Falkland Islands are called Islas Malvinas in Argentina. Though the residents of the Falkland Islands voted in 2013 to remain a British overseas territory, Argentina nonetheless maintains its claim that they are part of the province of Tierra del Fuego.) East Fal...
Given that the urban center is the main point for the development of socioeconomic activities, two additional variables were considered to describe the expression of the proximity, i.e., the proximity map of the water body (PW) and the proximity map (PW) and the city center (PUC). A ...